Identify wild animals online

The Nature Education Center (ENV) has just released an updated version with a more user-friendly interface of the Online Species Documentation, in which many wildlife species have been added. added to the list, to call on the public to actively participate in wildlife protection and against wildlife violations. Mr. Tran Viet Hung, Deputy Director of ENV said on November 21.

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Species Species documents are posted online in Vietnamese language, helping the public to identify common wildlife species with outstanding identification characteristics to help distinguish species. The document also includes information on the conservation status of each species, legal regulations related to each species and the link to the online notice page for wildlife violations for ENV. Thereby, people can easily report violations that they discovered through the website or through the ENV Wildlife Protection Free Hotline.

According to ENV statistics, every day, hundreds and even thousands of wildlife are hunted from natural habitats to meet the demand for wildlife meat and use as medicine. 'The upgrade of this document is to encourage the public to participate more actively in the protection of wildlife species in Vietnam. At the same time, the document will also be an effective support tool for ENV's Voluntary Protection Volunteer Network operating throughout the country to monitor business establishments and inform them of violations Hung said.

The Species Format document was first introduced in May 2012 and this upgraded version includes a total of 25 species and will continue to be added to new species in the near future.