Kenyan authorities discovered more than 600 pieces of ivory with a total volume of about two tons in a port city yesterday.

Since the beginning of the year, 245 rhinos in South Africa have been killed for horns. The demand for rhino horn is increasing because many people believe it, baselessly, that it

The African Wildlife Protection Agency has just released a report saying that in the last five years there have been nearly 1,000 killed rhinos, suggesting that wild rhino poaching

The Center for Natural Education (ENV) in collaboration with Tay Ninh Provincial FPD has successfully rescued an individual of a rare Javanese Adjutant who was kept in a household

With the ability to take down enemies in just a few minutes, it can even kill 10 adults by only 1 milligram of poisonous substances on the skin, and the yellow dart frog

Tram Chim National Park Research and Environment Department, in Tam Nong district, Dong Thap province, said that on February 22, there were more than 35 red-headed cranes on Tram

According to the New York Times, the US National Institutes of Health will not fund research using chimpanzees as experiments.

The Afghan Wildlife Conservation Association (WCS) has discovered the return of Persian leopard, a predator that has long since disappeared from the highlands.

Thousands of migratory birds died or were injured by plunging into car parks, football fields and snowy areas in the southern state of Utah in the past few days.

Artificial light from the city could be one of the reasons why thousands of birds plunged into the United States during migration.