If there are these signs, do not be foolish to drink alcohol even a drop

Because these are signs that you can't drink alcohol.

Because these are signs that you can't drink alcohol.

Feeling dizzying nausea after a night of drunkenness with friends is a very normal thing.

However, there are people who only drink 1 or 2 glasses, they have the same reaction, even worse. These are signs that the person cannot drink alcohol. And if drinking is forced, these people may suffer more severe consequences than usual.

And below are the common symptoms of a person who can't drink alcohol.

1. Runny nose

According to the Mayo Clinic, runny nose is one of the most common symptoms of alcohol intolerance.

According to Livestrong, the stuffy nose may be the result of sinusitis. However, "this phenomenon is also associated with high levels of histamine found in alcoholic beverages, especially beer and alcohol" - Dr. Christopher Calapai.

Picture 1 of If there are these signs, do not be foolish to drink alcohol even a drop

Beer and wine are two drinks containing high levels of histamine.

2. Blush face too fast

Rapid redness of the skin is another characteristic reaction that shows that the body cannot tolerate alcohol.

Studies show that this phenomenon is due to increased blood pressure, because the ALDH2 gene is defective. This gene plays a role in helping the body break down acetaldehyde - a toxic substance. And if you can't resolve acetaldehyde, your body will . change color.

Picture 2 of If there are these signs, do not be foolish to drink alcohol even a drop

Another effect when the ALDH2 gene is defective, is when drinking alcohol causes redness and itching on the skin, called urticaria. This is because the body is allergic to some substances in alcohol, and it can block your airway in severe cases.

3. Nausea

Anyone who drinks a lot will experience this feeling. However, people who do not drink alcohol will be nauseous right in the first glass. Even vomiting immediately after drinking.

Picture 3 of If there are these signs, do not be foolish to drink alcohol even a drop

4. Diarrhea

This is common in both normal people and non-drinkers. However, for the second object, symptoms will come very quickly and very badly.

According to Calapai: " When alcohol enters the body, it causes the ability to absorb water in the large intestine. When it does, it will contain a lot of water - also called diarrhea . "

Picture 4 of If there are these signs, do not be foolish to drink alcohol even a drop

5. Heart beating fast

In fact, a fast heartbeat may be a sign of alcohol allergy. So if you experience this condition after drinking only a few glasses, quickly go to the doctor.

Note, the allergic person's heart will beat very quickly, because allergies cause obstruction of the airway, weakening oxygen to the heart.

Picture 5 of If there are these signs, do not be foolish to drink alcohol even a drop

6. Dizziness

According to Mayo Clinic, people who do not drink alcohol intentionally drink may cause hypotension.

This symptom is a bit difficult to diagnose but there are also some signs of dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath and rush, loss of concentration too quickly .

Picture 6 of If there are these signs, do not be foolish to drink alcohol even a drop

When you feel your body has problems after drinking alcohol, what you should do is cut down on alcohol consumption immediately. If your condition worsens, see your doctor for the most accurate diagnosis.

Update 15 December 2018



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