Install Photoshop on Ubuntu

The penguin operating system is not without high-end graphics programs. However, Adobe Photoshop has been "ingrained" into the hearts of the graphics world, so don't rush to abandon this operating system and return to Windows. In just a few steps, you can use Photoshop on Ubuntu.

The trick in this installation is in fact no other procedure than using Wine. Therefore, the first thing to do is upgrade Wine to the latest version ( Wine 0.9.54 - release 25-1) on Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy).

Install Wine

If you haven't installed Wine on Ubuntu, open the terminal window by going to Applications - Accessories - Terminal and typing each of the following lines, noting to type each line and then Enter and then type the next line:

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list

sudo apt-get update

Then close the terminal, go to Applications - Add / Remove. Here, select the "All available applications" option in the upper right of the window, find Wine and install it. Once installation is complete, close the window.

Next, press the ALT + F2 key combination and type the following command:

wine iexplore

Click " Install " when asked to confirm and you will see the " Wine Internet Explorer " window with WineHQ website. Close them.

Picture 1 of Install Photoshop on Ubuntu

Picture 2 of Install Photoshop on Ubuntu

The last action is to find the Tahoma font on Google via the command line: " tahoma filetype: ttf " (excluding quotes). Then, save the font on the desktop and go to Wine's font directory in /home/yourusername/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts .

Note : In order to see the .wine folder, you need to leave the display of hidden files by going to View, select Show hidden files.

Install Photoshop on Ubuntu

This is an important step but . simple. You need to have a Photoshop installation CD ready, a test version of Photoshop CS2 version (9.0). Insert the CD into the drive, then go to the "Adobe Photoshop CS2" folder, right-click the setup.exe file and select Open with " Wine Windows Emulator ". The Photoshop CS2 installation window appears and you only have to follow the installation instructions like when installing in Windows.

Picture 3 of Install Photoshop on Ubuntu

After installation, you can access Adobe Photoshop CS2 and ImageReady CS2 in the Start menu - normal Wine - Programs . Now you can enjoy graphics with familiar programs on Ubuntu.