Intelligent street lighting adjusts lighting

This is a type that can automatically reduce light when there is no traffic, installed by Norway with the aim of lowering carbon emissions into the air.

This lamp was installed in Norway on 8km of highway in Buskerud province. The mechanism of operation of the lamp is automatically reduced by 20% when no car, bicycle or pedestrian traffic.

When vehicles move on the road, through the sensor radar connected to the lamp, the device will glow 100% of capacity.

Picture 1 of Intelligent street lighting adjusts lighting
Street lights automatically reduce light when there is no traffic.

This street light saves 2,100 kWh per week, equivalent to 21 hours of clothing or 4 hours of television.

In addition, the use of LEDs also helps to reduce CO 2 emissions more than fluorescent and halogen lamps.

Over time, Norway has stepped up the installation of street lamps mentioned above. In 2017, the same automatic lighting was installed in the western part of the Nordic country.

In addition, many other European countries have been developing their own intelligent lighting systems, including Denmark and Finland.

Each year, Europe consumes $ 13 billion in electricity for street lighting. This huge amount accounts for 40% of the government's energy costs. This is equivalent to emitting 40 million tons of CO 2 emissions, equal to the emissions of 20 million cars.

Europeans have planned to turn off street lights in residential and rural areas after midnight. But now, with smart street lighting, Europe can avoid this.