'Interactive food' - A great combination of cuisine and technology

What do you think if in the near future, dessert menu in addition to familiar dishes such as cakes, ice cream, fruits . there are also robots!

In fact, there is no need to look forward to the future, but right now, the robot dessert has been realized by artist Erika Marthins. Accordingly, by combining technology and cuisine, Erika created 3 very unique interactive desserts, including: 'Chocolate plate ', 'Movable gelatin robot' and 'Lollipop light refraction '. Of course, they all contained no electronic components and were completely edible!

Picture 1 of 'Interactive food' - A great combination of cuisine and technology
Erika Marthins robot dessert

Below, let's learn more about each of Erika Marthins dishes:

  1. Chocolate disc : From a normal chocolate plate in the form of a record, Erika has slipped small trenches onto its surface, just like how people make charcoal discs. Thus, when launched, this dessert can sound like a real coal plate.
  2. The gelatin robot can move : The soul of this dessert is the robot structure made from food ingredients. Therefore, when activated, the dish will move like octopus tentacles, and it is still very soft and edible.
  3. Light refracting lollipop: An algorithm calculates how to place the letters on the surface of the lollipop light refracting, so that only when the light shines on, the secret message on it reveals out!