6 ways to combine foods to increase your ability to fight cancer

The combination of food creates synergy, so that the ability to fight cancer is also optimized.

Thousands of scientific studies over the past few decades have shown that some fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods work to protect the body against cancer. But did you know that this use of foods will be increased many times if there is a proper combination of them.

"The combination of food creates synergy, in which nutrients in food, such as vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, work together better than when they work separately. Thus, the ability to prevent cancer is also more optimal, ' said Dr. David Brownstein, a member of Newsmax Medical Center Council.

Here are ways to combine food with increased anti-cancer ability of food.

1. Tomato and broccoli

Picture 1 of 6 ways to combine foods to increase your ability to fight cancer

Tomatoes contain lots of lycopene, vitamin C, and vitamin A, and broccoli contains phytochemical beta-carotene, isothiocyanates and indoles. Combining these two foods will work very well to prevent cancer, especially prostate cancer. This is the conclusion drawn from a study at the University of Illinois.

"When tomatoes and broccoli are eaten together, we see a side effect," said Professor John Erdman, a food science expert. "We think it's because the different bioactive compounds in each food have different anti-cancer effects. It would be better to eat more tomatoes to be able to supplement lycopene, and Cooked tomatoes may be better than raw tomatoes, when processed, the anti-cancer ingredients of tomatoes and broccoli will work better, " he added.

2. Tea and lemon

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Tea is a drink with high levels of polyphenol antioxidants, including catechin and flavonoids. According to the US Department of Agriculture, a glass of green tea contains flavonoids like nearly 5 glasses of red wine or 9 apples. Catechin is a particularly potent anti-cancer agent. However, it is usually only absorbed about 20% after digestion.

However, scientists at Purdue University show that adding lemon to green tea allows 80% absorption of catechins after digestion. Thus, the effectiveness of anti-cancer also increases.

3. Kale and lemon vegetables

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Lemon is a food that provides a large amount of vitamin C and kale is a rich source of green leafy vegetables. While the body absorbs 22% of iron from animal foods, the amount of iron absorbed from plants is only 1-8%. However, when adding vitamin C to food, the amount of iron absorbed will increase.

Therefore, "when consuming kale, add lemon to increase the amount of iron absorbed, contributing to increased cancer prevention , " said Dr. Brownstein.

4. Beef and rosemary

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High-protein foods like processed red meat often produce heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) - carcinogens that cause changes in DNA related to cancer. A study at the University of Minnesota found that other types of meats, too, regardless of their form, increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 60% and the risk of prostate and breast cancer. , liver, lungs .

Rosemary contains the antioxidant rosmarinic acid, carnosol and carnosic acid. When marinating grilled food with rosemary will reduce the amount of cancer-causing chemicals when baking. A study published in the American Journal of Food Science found that high levels of rosemary would reduce cancer-causing chemicals by more than 90%.

5. Turmeric and black pepper

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Many studies show turmeric contains anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties due to curcumin composition in it. Curcumin has been shown to prevent stomach, liver, lung and breast cancer. Peperine, ingredients in black pepper spices may also play an important role in preventing cancer.

A study at the University of Michigan Cancer Center found that black pepper prevented breast cancer tumors."Adding black pepper to any food containing turmeric will further enhance curcumin's effects , " said Dr. Brownstein.

6. Tomatoes and butter

Picture 6 of 6 ways to combine foods to increase your ability to fight cancer

Tomatoes contain lots of lycopene - an antioxidant that is a carotenoido. One study found that eating more than 10 lycopene servings a week reduced the total risk of prostate cancer by 35% and reduced the risk of prostate cancer by 53%.

A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that women who took lycopene supplements had 22 percent reduced risk of breast cancer."Fat from butter increases the effect of carotenoids in tomatoes," said Dr. Brownstein.