Israel - The world tech star

Israel, the country in the Eastern Mediterranean always reminds people of bombs, explosive bullets and conflicts is a fundamentally and constantly high-tech development.

From the field revolution to high technology

The life of Israeli people is tied to agriculture. But Israel is not a country with enough natural advantages to develop a proud agriculture like today. Green gardens, water systems, solar homes have replaced the deserted desert, the burning bushes nearly ten years ago. All thanks to ceaseless creations in research with a clear goal: to bring technology to life.

And the technology revolution doesn't stop on the fields .

Every day, middle school students live in remote deserts still walking kilometers to the computer centers near their schools to participate in IT training projects. You are discovering a lot of new things about the world through the Internet and other technologies with specially designed computers.

Even at the hospital, children who do not have access to the classroom because of illness can also receive information, be educated and supported by specially designed electronic tools and lesson plans.

Picture 1 of Israel - The world tech star In each family, technology applications are also applied to the closest jobs, helping to solve everyday problems of each family. You can imagine when your child is ill, right at home, you can also receive specific advice and guidance from your doctor through a simple and economical way of communicating: accessing government web system electronic.

Today in Israel, it can be said, life has become much more different thanks to practical and close technology projects to upgrade people's lives according to specific research results in each region. The popularity and popularity of technology in life is indispensable when it comes to Israel, which is sometimes forgotten by the constant political instability in this country. .

Israel - Silicon Valley outside the United States

Second in the world in the assessment of the quality of higher education. Also in the second place in the world for venture capital fund after the US.

Leading the world in technology research and development investment, is also the champion of the number of scientists and technicians in the workforce at the rate of 145 / 10,000, much higher than 85 in the US .

The appearance of big names is probably not as impressive as Israel. Both Microsoft and Cisco have built unique foreign-based research and development centers in Israel. Israel is also where Intel built the first chip factory outside the United States, where MMX chip microprocessor technology has been designed.

More than 3000 new and high-tech companies were established in Israel, the concentration of high-tech companies behind America's Silicon Valley. Among them, many big names play Israeli brands like Checkpoint - a well-known software company for virtual private networks and firewalls, Amdocs - a brand associated with voicemail technology, Given Imaging Israel with the invention of Pill Cam - The world's first ultra-small rotary camera can be inserted into a tablet .

Israel is the place where Microsoft owner Bill Gates is fascinated by the impressive university training system. Israel is the place where Intel Group Chairman and CEO Craig Barrett does not regret the compliments: "Good education, open technology policy and professional people", and Oracle Corporation President Safra Catz judged 'infinite potential' .

Along with that, Israel's high technology can be proud of being the birthplace of many births that can make many people admire:

- The first mobile phone was developed at Motorola's factory located in Israel.

- Most operating systems of Windows NT and XP programs are developed by Microsoft Israel.

- Voice mail technology developed in Israel.

- ICQ program, technology for instant messaging AOL was developed by 4 young Israeli engineers in 1996.

- The first anti-virus software package developed in Israel in the 1970s .
