It took 25 years for the brain to develop completely

The biological processes that take place inside the human body take place with different long and short periods.For example, contrary to many people's thoughts, researchers found our brain took 25 years to complete the development process.

Brain development process: 25 years

Picture 1 of It took 25 years for the brain to develop completely

David Price, a professor of biological neurology from the University of Edinburgh (UK), said: "The first three to four years of life are the key development stage of the brain. It's like the main network of a Phone system has been set up, but still need to install more details to be able to operate smoothly ".

After the first 4 years of life, the brain loses its ability to form these important junctions. By puberty, the human brain has almost completely developed, except for an essential part - the prefrontal cortex, located just behind the forehead. This brain region only reaches perfection when the subject is about 25 years old.

In 2004, a study using brain scan results of adolescents showed that they had fewer brain tissue in the frontal lobes, which were located in the prefrontal cortex, more than adults. However, brain tissue in this area will increase as they get older.

The prefrontal cortex is associated with the organization of thinking, planning and impulse control. Therefore, the fact that this brain region is not fully developed in adolescents can help explain why at this age there are often reckless and unpredictable behaviors.

Lung development process: 18-22 years

Picture 2 of It took 25 years for the brain to develop completely

Have you ever realized that your voice is no longer like your youth? According to experts, this is because, your lungs only reach their maximum capacity during the adolescence or early 20s, and then start to decline.

John Henderson, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Bristol (UK), said: "A person's airways are formed in the womb. The child will have a complete basic respiratory system in the 16th week of pregnancy. .

After birth, the airways will expand larger and the air sacs continue to grow. The size of the lungs will grow with the rest of the body. This process takes place throughout childhood. And because women reach puberty earlier than men, they also peak in lung function earlier, only around the age of adolescence (age 16-18). Meanwhile, in men, this is usually at the beginning of their 20s. "

According to Professor Henderson, certain factors may prevent you from reaching maximum lung function. For example, the mother smoking during pregnancy, premature birth or low birth weight, recurrent lung infections such as childhood asthma, . can negatively affect function. Your lungs, making you more prone to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Water purification process: 1 hour

Picture 3 of It took 25 years for the brain to develop completely

On average, it takes about 1 hour for the liquid to be absorbed through the intestine into the blood, then filtered through the kidneys and transferred to the bladder as urine, according to Rowland Rees, urological surgeon at the Hospital. Royal Hampshire (England).

If coffee seems to be "getting in and out" faster through your body, it's not because coffee has accelerated the process of absorbing and filtering body fluids. In fact, this liquid causes irritation of the bladder, making you want to urinate more often. This is completely different from alcohol, a diuretic fluid, which makes you produce more urine and needs more toileting.

Rees added that bladder can only contain about 300ml of liquid, so most people need to go to the toilet every 3 - 4 hours.

However, some conditions can lead to urination with more frequency. For example, benign prostatic dilatation - an age-related disease in which the prostate gland obstructs the bladder - increasing the need to urinate once per hour. Meanwhile, a number of other illnesses increase the time for "suffering" to empty the bladder compared to the average time of about 20-30 seconds in healthy men.

Minor and continuous urination may also be a sign of overactive bladder. The cause of this condition may be faulty signals between the brain and bladder, implying that the brain thinks it is time to empty the bladder before the "reservoir" is full. Drugs, botox and nerve stimulators can all help cure this condition.