A new study by scientists from the United Kingdom has shown that persistent bullying in schools will have a negative impact on the brain.

Fish eggs, a fruit associated with our childhood, almost everyone knows, but perhaps not many people know its effects, beneficial or harmful? Let's explore together!

Scientists believe that wasting time playing brain training games is a waste.

A genetic study has identified a biological process that influences whether we will be left-handed or right-handed.

Infectious diseases are factors that

17 million children worldwide are living in air pollution 6 times more than regulated.

A new report, published by a research facility in the Clerkenwell area of London, found that any memory from 2 years and a half is likely to be

Thanks to the 3D printed brain model, Harvard scientists (USA) discovered how the human cortex formed wrinkles.

The researchers found that the fastest-growing human brain just after birth and about half the size of an adult's brain within the first 3 months of life.

Contrary to what many people think, researchers find our brain takes 25 years to complete the development process.