Jake - Crocodile legend

On November 9, 1993, the World Weekly News weekly ran a huge headline right on the front page. ' Detect half-human half-human creature in Florida swamp ', along with a photo of a monster causing ' fever '. a pitfall for a time of American public opinion.

Crocodile legend

'Another creature that has not gone all the way to evolution. Monsters with heads and half-human bodies, and the true lower half of the reptile - were caught alive while lying in the sun near the Big Cypress wetlands' - the tabloid article opened with a voice eloquent.

'It can be affirmed, this creature is one of the ancestors of humanity, on the way of evolution has been' deflected 'to another crossroads to have a peculiar shape like today'.

Picture 1 of Jake - Crocodile legend
(Photo: Happydeathinc)

The article also cited a couple of analyzes from a character called 'Dr. Simon Shute': 'I was really surprised by the size of its skull, probably the inner brain is as big as the human brain. . People are also actively searching to see if any other half-crocodile person still exists, because if there is no species-like community, no single organism can survive long. '.

Picture 2 of Jake - Crocodile legend
Articles about Crocodileers on World Weekly News weekly from 1993-1997

Picture 3 of Jake - Crocodile legend
An article on Arab News No. 3/3/2000

Anyhow, World Weekly News is just a tabloid. To hear the most authentic story about crocodiles, according to rumors of the people, go to Marsh's Free Private Museum in Long Beach, Washington .

Mr. and Mrs. Marsh met Jake for the first time in 1967, when Jake was only a dry corpse, sold by a professional dealer of a antique with a price of 750 USD.

Take Jake to the museum, Mr. Junior Marsh also didn't expect to hear many good stories about crocodiles so much, mostly from visitors.

Picture 4 of Jake - Crocodile legend
The owner of Marsh's Free Museum in Long Beach

An elderly couple in Kelso said they had seen Jake personally at a festival in Texas. The performance that year was nothing special, Jake answered the audience's questions curiously with a nod of ' Yes ' or ' wrong ' nods.

According to another visitor, when he was still alive, the crocodile also had a hobby of smoking a cigar and often came to New Orleans brothels for entertainment. He even wears a long skirt and appears regularly in a San Francisco club under the name Minnie Fish .

Today, Jake's corpse occupies a modest position in the Marsh's Free Museum, alongside other " cult " characters like the 8-legged sheep, the 2-headed pig .

Picture 5 of Jake - Crocodile legend
(Photo: Happydeathinc)

Picture 6 of Jake - Crocodile legend
(Photo: Happydeathinc)