Japan TBS station pointed out that the cause of everyone's foot is as big as ... t

Change a very small habit that calf drops nearly 2cm after 2 weeks, you want to try?

The calf part also greatly affects the aesthetics of each person, especially with girls. As a girl, who does not want a slender, beautiful legs. However, why do calves keep getting bigger like . " column of family"?

TBS (Japan) has pointed out a habit that many people suffer from, making our calves bigger and bigger.

The cause of the calf enlarges

To perform the test, the program invited 2 girls to join.

These two girls have a large upper body, but the calf has a big difference.

Picture 1 of Japan TBS station pointed out that the cause of everyone's foot is as big as ...  t
Our calves are more prone to standing out.

According to the experts of the program, an extremely familiar cause but few people pay attention to make our calves prone to enlargement is an improper standing habit .

Even in the 2 girls participating in the program there was a difference in the way of standing.

Picture 2 of Japan TBS station pointed out that the cause of everyone's foot is as big as ...  t
The second girl stood with her toes on the floor.

The first one stood with a suspended posture, the toes were about a foot away from the ground with larger calves. Meanwhile, the second girl stood with her toes on the floor.

Picture 3 of Japan TBS station pointed out that the cause of everyone's foot is as big as ...  t
Picture 4 of Japan TBS station pointed out that the cause of everyone's foot is as big as ...  t

The program continues to invite 4 more girls to participate in the test, the results are as above.

How does standing affect the calf?

The reason for this is because when we stand with a restless toe that doesn't touch the ground (often referred to as "standing on the heel" ), the body's focus will be on the heel, meaning that the calf is subject to a Very heavy weight.

Picture 5 of Japan TBS station pointed out that the cause of everyone's foot is as big as ...  t
90% of people have a habit of standing with unsuspecting toes without touching the ground with large calves.

At that time, the calves and thighs will have to brace for support. This situation will prolong the calves and become bigger and accumulate excess fat.

Japanese experts affirmed that 90% of people have a habit of standing with unattended toes without touching the ground with large calves.

To confirm again, the program helped people with larger legs try to learn to stand properly. The results were very unexpected, after 2 weeks, the measurement of this girl's thigh decreased by 1.2 cm and the calf count decreased by 1.8 cm.

Thus, it can be seen that even from the habit of standing like, it greatly affects the measurement of the legs. If you don't want big legs like "pillar columns", you should learn how to stand "right" now!