Japanese glass inventors determine the level of fatigue and sleepiness

A Japanese eyewear company has developed a product that can determine the wearer's fatigue level.

Picture 1 of Japanese glass inventors determine the level of fatigue and sleepiness
Photo: RIA Novosti

Three sensors attached to the lens measure the frequency of blinking, changing the electrical potential of the retina and eye muscles when the eyeball moves.

The information is updated on the tablet or smartphone via Bluetooth 4.0. Then, a special application will announce the level of fatigue and the need to rest if working with the computer, or ask the drowsy driver to shut down the machine. In the gym, the glass reminds the owner of the posture to maintain balance during training.

Application of the device will be compatible with Windows, Macintosh, iOS, Android. The bracelet in the glass ensures an eight-hour operation and weighs 36 grams. This product will be available in the spring of 2015.