Jumping out of the bugs need to do?

In the colorful world of existing insects on our planet, little is known about a very small group of insects that live in the soil. It is the jumping beetle group, the scientific name is Collembola belonging to Collembola.

In the colorful world of existing insects on our planet, little is known about a very small group of insects that live in the soil.

It is the jumping beetle group, the scientific name is Collembola belonging to Collembola. They belonged to the Insecta class, the wingless Apterygota, which was classified as an ancient insect and appeared at least 400 million years ago (Hogue, 1993). The size of this insect is very small, about 0.1-4mm and has many different shapes.

One interesting thing about this jumping beetle is that they have a distinct characteristic organ that is not available in other insects. This organ helps jumping beetles to jump, turn the body to other positions during the operation, search for the same type, food and especially escape from predators.

Normally, it is necessary to turn on and attach to an organ located right on the third abdomen called the lock that needs to be turned on. This organ is responsible for secreting mucus to lubricate it needs to turn on, hold and release it to turn it on.

When the insect wants to move to another place at a rapid rate or when there is an impact from the predator the two bodies are automatically separated and push their bodies away, as fast as It is pre-programmed and difficult for other species to eat meat. Also, when we look at a jumping bug, impact it, it's hard to know where they jump!

Picture 1 of Jumping out of the bugs need to do?

Describe the need to activate - a species of the Isotomidae family (Photo: TTO)

DANG QUOC QUAN (Department of Biology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Sciences)

Update 17 December 2018



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