Launched the world's first 3D curved TV

LG has officially introduced the world's first curved 3D TVs at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2013, called LG EA9800.

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Next-generation smart TVs are one of the mainstays of this year's CES, with breakthroughs such as 4K Ultra HD TVs and nearly OLED TVs. However, LG was more impressed with the first commercially produced OLED television.

Picture 1 of Launched the world's first 3D curved TV
New product from LG.

The LG EA9800's 55-inch display has a full HD 1080p (1920x1080pixel) resolution, with an impressive 5-inch ultra-slim design. This OLED TV is equipped with 3D (passive) technology and promises to significantly improve the viewing distance of 3D effects.

LG's EA9800 is based on the LG EA9800 OLED TV . This is one of the most advanced OLED TVs in the segment.

Unfortunately, the Korean manufacturer has not announced the price, as well as on the shelves of the first curved TV in the world. In addition, Samsung also brought CES a curved TV model.

Picture 2 of Launched the world's first 3D curved TV

The curved display is the company's flagship technology, providing a more in-depth visual representation of the actual image that the human eye can experience.

In addition, watching TV on the curved screen will help our eyes to be more comfortable, while the distance that holds the viewer and TV screen remains the same regardless of the angle to the curved screen.