The more fragrant incense smoke, the more curved the incense is, the more toxic and easy to cause cancer

Smoke is no less toxic than cigarette smoke. Not only that, it can also be one of the causes of cancer that few people know.

Types of fragrances are often used in Vietnamese families like the respect for the dead. However, not everyone knows that the smoke is as much smoke as cigarette smoke, especially the fragrant incense that forms a curved shape. These types of incense can even be one of the carcinogens for people who regularly inhale.

Smoke is more toxic than cigarette smoke

Currently, chemicals are used a lot in life, including in food or appliances, although not much scientific information has warned about the risk of direct exposure to human health. Even the kinds of incense that many Vietnamese families still use to worship now are impregnated with toxic chemicals.

Dr. Rong Zhou of the China Southern University of Technology (China, Daily Mail source), compared the effects of incense smoke and cigarette smoke on mice. Research results show that, compared to cigarettes, smoke is more toxic because of the possibility of harming cells and DNA. 2 out of 64 substances found in the composition of incense are very dangerous.

The effects of incense are thought to have originated from the sawdust, which contains essential oils or chemicals for aroma. When burning, incense releases chemical particles into the air. If inhaled, these particles will collect in the lungs and cause infections. They can attack genetic material, change cell DNA, thereby increasing the risk of leukemia and lung cancer.

Although more research is needed, the final conclusion can be made. However, Dr. Rong Zhou hopes that his findings will help consumers be more cautious. According to Dr. Rong, people must pay great attention when burning incense in the house, it is best to limit burning incense in the house.

According to medical research, incense smoke is equally harmful to cigarette smoke. When burned, toxins from chemicals in incense will affect the respiratory tract, leading to chronic respiratory inflammation and destruction of body organs, leading to cell changes, genetic modification . As malignant cells, they will turn into cancer cells.

Picture 1 of The more fragrant incense smoke, the more curved the incense is, the more toxic and easy to cause cancer
Smoke is toxic no less than tobacco smoke.

Incense has toxic curvature

According to incense traders (in Dong Xuan market), not all kinds of incense with aroma when burned are also impregnated with herbs that are mostly impregnated with chemicals such as phosphoric acid, sulfur . According to those who sell incense, these chemicals help the incense burn better.

To verify that these chemicals are as effective as those advertised, reporters VTV24 conducted experiments with sulfur and phosphoric acid. When the powder of sulfur went out in a long row and set a fire on one end, with its highly flammable and exothermic properties, the whole series of sulfur flour quickly ignited and emitted a very unpleasant odor. This powder, when crushed and mixed into incense powder, helps the incense burn evenly, not being cut off halfway.

Also with phosphoric acid, one stick is embedded in phosphoric acid, the other is left. After setting fire to each rod, the result is that the toothpick sticks not embedded in the acid burn out and die. And the acid impregnated stick after being bent is still bent and remains the same, not falling.

After burning, the incense is not burnt, but it looks beautiful so many consumers feel excited. And the number of people who chose this type of incense also increased while they did not know that, in order to get such incense, incense sticks were impregnated with very toxic chemicals.

Perfume impregnated with toxic chemicals can cause cancer.

If you want to burn incense when you have twisted the curve, it will not break, so people soak in the phosphoric acid solution (H 3 PO 4 ). When burned, this substance will increase the temperature, helping the incense burn quickly. This is a condition for the toothpick to be rolled up and not broken so that the user mistakenly thinks it is a fortune. Curved, beautiful compression, depending on chemical concentration and time. Therefore, the more beautiful the sticks are, the higher the level of human health risk increases. Because burning incense will produce P 2 O 5 gas. This is toxic gas, if long-term smelling can cause respiratory toxicity, eye retina fades and vision can decrease rapidly.

According to Dr. Dang Van Nguyen, Hanoi Center for Health Education and Communication, in the incense smoke, the aroma component of incense is benzene compounds (aromatic rings). When burning poison will stimulate the surface-binding effect of the respiratory tract leading to chronic respiratory inflammation. Besides, this aromatic ring when dispersed has the ability to break the cell structure in the body which is one of the causes of cancer .

Picture 2 of The more fragrant incense smoke, the more curved the incense is, the more toxic and easy to cause cancer
The type of incense with curl is more toxic.

So if we burn too much incense that means CO2, SO2, NOx, formaldehyde will radiate around. When inhaling incense smoke can lead to cough, watery eyes, lethargy, headache, difficulty breathing . If inhaled a lot, the risk of pneumonia is very large. Long-term exposure to impregnated incense is very easy to damage the eye mucosa, blurred vision. Therefore, the incongruous incense burning is recommended not to.

In addition, many types of incense are also yellow and red dyes to make beautiful colored incense plants to keep from being moldy because the producers use more anti-moss-proof substances in the industry of outdoor paint production when using, smoke The smell of incense will smell.

Therefore, experts recommend that the elderly, children and especially those with respiratory illnesses and asthma should avoid places with incense smoke such as temples and shrines, because those places have many incense sticks. It was simultaneously lit up with a large number of people gathered, causing a stifling atmosphere. Besides, we should not plug the incense into food to worship. Because the incense foot is chemically impregnated, it will lead to food, causing poisoning.

Therefore, when burning incense, you must always open the door so that smoke does not gather in one place. Do not burn incense near people sleeping. It is best to buy incense at reputable store facilities. If there are signs of coughing, difficulty breathing, spicy eyes because of incense, you should go to a cool place to rest .