Albino animals appear more and more everywhere, because genetic changes affect the process of pigmentation in animals, causing their bodies to become unusually white.

Many American agricultural experts claim that the infection of transgenic alfalfa on traditional grass is inevitable.

Over thousands of thousands of people, with breeding techniques, people have created crops that are far from their ancestors.

Before the challenge every year, there is an additional 1 million tons of food, the agricultural sector is expected to start producing genetically modified crops in 2011. However,

Smoke is no less toxic than cigarette smoke. Not only that, it can also be one of the causes of cancer that few people know.

Scientists believe that older men often give birth to worse babies due to genetic changes.

Swollen face, rash, nausea, dizziness, asthma attacks ... People with peanut allergies are obsessed with almost immediate consequences if they miss this. Peanuts are one of the

Last week, scientists announced that it only took 6 months to produce the world's first artificial meat by using thousands of stem cells grown in the laboratory.

Biological textbooks have always said that the main function of sex is to promote genetic diversity. However, Henry Heng does not agree with this view.

Malaysia has just finished releasing and testing 6,000 genetically modified mosquitoes in a so-called effort