Legend of 12 constellations

12 zodiacal constellations and legends about these constellations. Have you ever wondered where the beautiful symbols representing your zodiac origin? Knowing the constellations secretly is also a way to better understand yourself and those around you.

Legend of constellations and meaning

Special characters of 12 constellations

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The legend of 12 constellations

Aries - Aries - Aries (March 21 - April 19)

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The Athamas and the king of Croneus have son Phrixus and his daughter Helle with his first wife, Nephele . As other kings loved the beauty, when bored with his wife, Athamas left Nephele to marry Ino , the daughter of Cadmus the King of Thebes. Having two children with the king, Ino was jealous of Nephele's children and tried to get his son to succeed the throne. At that time, corn was the main crop of Croneus for people and animals.

Ino makes corn not germinate by discreetly convincing the kingdom's women to roast it before planting and bribing the prophet sent by the king to ask the gods about this phenomenon so that he can speak. lie that Nephele's two children are the source of danger. The king had to sacrifice them before the harvest returned. Loving children, but to save the kingdom, the king obeyed this advice. Luckily, taking care of her safety, Nephele sent a guard to wear a golden-haired sheep called Aries from the god Zeus.

On the day of the ceremony, the sheep urged Phrixus and Helle to sit on and flee across the ocean but unfortunately Helle fell to death in the sea (where she died was called Hellesponte). Phrixus survived and married the daughter of Colchis dynasty. To thank Zeus, the lamb priest and the fleece set in a special position at Colchis.

The golden plumage of this male sheep later became the fossil treasure of the kingdom of Colchis, where the two brothers were hidden for a lifetime to escape Ino. It was because of that coat that Jason , the hero of Greek mythology had searched during his quest for the famous golden fleece, was told very carefully in the story of the expedition of the crew of the crew. Argo.

Because of that grace, Zeus brought the sheep with yellow fur into a constellation, so it has the constellation Aries today.

Taurus - Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

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Zeus , the lord of the gods who are addicted to women, both human and divine. But because he was monitored by his wife Hera so much, he often changed his form into an animal so that he could go to the woman he chose easily. One day, Zeus kept an eye on the beautiful girl servant Europa when she was playing with friends on the beach. In order for the girls to be fearless, he transforms into the white cow Taurus (Taurus) and uses the beauty of the animal to fascinate Europa. When she was playing with the beast, away from her friends, Zeus lay down for her to ride on her back and plunge into the sea despite her call for help. Arriving in Crete, Zeus is in complete form, receiving Europa as a mistress and she gives him three sons. Zeus hangs photos of cows in paradise, where it represents love, strength and beauty .

Gemini - Gemini - Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

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The twin brothers Castor and Pollux are children of Zeus, the lord of all twelve gods on Mount Olympus, and the queen of Sparta. They are two very brave, middle-aged children who are famous for their glorious victories in the journey of the great Argo crew , and in many other adventures.

Whenever, two brothers always find ways to help each other. During a battle, Castor was killed in a painful wound. In infinite sadness, Pollux tried to commit suicide. But unlike Castor, Pollux inherited the blood of his father, Zeus, and should be an immortal warrior. When there was no other way, the boy cried out "Let me die for Castor, father!".

Zeus deeply mourned, agreed to allow them to take turns each day to live one day and take them to the sky. The two brothers turned into the Gemini constellation , every day a person will be living in heaven and the star is shining, the other star is not bright because the other person is on earth. Also since then the Twin constellation is considered a symbol of friendship and brotherhood.

Cancer - Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

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The crab in the Cancer constellation is a friend of the sea ​​monster Hydra . The story of this crab appears in the legend of the twelve victories of Hercules during his time as a slave to Eurystheus , for committing the murder of his wife and children in a madness caused by the goddess Hera. This time Hercules was forced to erase Hydra's world at Lerna. At the time when the head of the monster Hydra rushed in and entangled Hercules, one by one the horrible heads were cut by Hercules, for Hydra, the situation was very tragic.

Looking at his friend desperately in desperation, the crab cries " My Hydra friend is so miserable !" and gruffly use the more attacking Hercules. But before the greatest hero of Greek mythology, there was no chance for him, and he was immediately overpowered. Seeing this friendship, the gods were very moved and gave the picture of three characters into a constellation in heaven.

Not all constellations are represented by an animal, they are goddesses or mythological heroes.

Leo - Leo (July 23 - August 22)

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The Lion represents a demon named Nemea Lion . In Greek mythology, Hercules, the hero who appeared in many Greek myths, received orders from the Eurystheus king Tiryns to perform twelve extremely dangerous missions, which later became twelve legends. Heracles' victories. The first of these tasks is to tame a forest-eating lion in the jungle of Nemea.

Eurystheus wants him to take the animal's skin back to the city to prove he has completed the task. Hercules found the lion and tried to kill it with a bow and arrow, and then with a sword, but the name was blocked by the lion skin, the sword broke. It was an immortal, immortal lion with a body that was not afraid of seeking a bow. Hercules was hugged by his neck and clutched on his hands with all his mighty strength. So, he had to use his own power to kill it.

After that, he skinned the lion and went to Eurystheus. Euystheus was afraid to run away when he saw the lion's corpse. The king told Hercules to leave it outside the gate. Heracles used lion skin as a jacket and used a lion's head to make hats. Lion soul is placed on the sky ie Leo constellation.The Egyptians worshiped the lion because the Sun was in this constellation at the time of the flooding of alluvium of the Nil.

Virgo - Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

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The constellation Virgo is an image of a goddess . Virgo is a symbol of purity, purity and fertility.

According to Greek mythology, in the ' Golden Age ', male gods and goddesses live on Earth with humans (all men). Everything changed when the Olympia era began. Zeus, lord of the gods considers people to be lowly creatures. Prometheus , a Titan who protected humans, was against Zeus. He stole Olympia's fire and handed it to humans.

Angry, Zeus chained Prometheus on top of the Caucasus range . In retaliation, Zeus sent Pandor, the first woman to the ceiling. Ancient Greeks believed that women were the source of evil and trouble. Pandora's box is a symbol of human corruption by women. In the box there are seeds of greed, hatred, jealousy .

After the human race has been fully infected with these bad properties, the remaining divine beings on Earth immediately move to heaven.Astraea is the last god to leave. She is the daughter of Zeus and Themis, and the sister of Pudicitia, a humble god. Astraea is the goddess of virtue and justice, though she lives in heaven she still hopes to return to earth. The constellation Virgo is her symbol.

Libra - Libra (September 23 - October 22)

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The constellation Libra actually draws Pluto 's Golden Tractor. The story of Pluto abducting Persephone is widely known in Greek legends. Hades (Pluto's other name - Rich) is the younger brother of Zeus and Poseidon, who often does not know what happens in Heaven, but only stands out in his dark world.

His yellow car was pulled by four jet cipher. While he periodically uses cars to visit Heaven and flirt with a fairy, he does not expect to have a relationship to the end of his life. Until he met Persephone , the daughter of Demeter and Zeus. When he kidnapped Persephone to bring Tartarus, the deepest part of the kingdom of Hades, Heaven will change forever.

Deep underground, he possessed rich mineral deposits. But his favorite possession is a gift from the Cyclopes: An invisible hat.

Demeter was the brother of Zeus and Hades, and one of the most important goddesses because she was in charge of looking after food and development. Hades was too fond of the beauty of Persephone, tying her to the Queen of the Earth. Demeter was bothered by losing his daughter and begged the other gods to help. Therefore Theseus and Peiritheus land on Hades to find Persephone but fail. Furthermore, they are imprisoned by Hades, and Heracles is sent down to rescue them. He can only bring Theseus back, and Peiritheus forever stays in the land of Hades.

Demeter was distraught about losing her daughter, and she neglected her task, forgetting about her farming. A severe drought throughout Paradise. Zeus was annoyed, because he was a creditor of several tribes, and soon he would not receive tribute if the drought persisted. Calculations for Zeus are a great reason to act in the interests of his sister: he sympathizes with his sister and hopes to comfort the loss. By all means, Zeus persuaded his brother Hades to abandon Persephone to return to Heaven.

Zeus's order was that she had to split time in Heaven and Earth , four months she had to stay with her husband, and the rest of the time she had to visit her mother in Heaven. So every year the world has a dark and cold season, until March 21, when Persephone returns from Heaven, bringing spring.

Scorpio - Scorpio - Scorpion - Shennong (October 23 - November 21)

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The most famous story about the Scorpion constellation is that this Scorpion crawls out of the ground on Hera 's orders to serve as a vengeance. In particular, she ordered the Scorpion to attack Orin , biting his leg to death. Both Orion and Scorpion are honored with the names of the constellations, but are in opposite positions that they cannot meet. Therefore, when the Scorpion is growing, the Orion constellation dives as if the giant god of the sky is still afraid of the Scorpion.

Sagittarius - Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

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Sagittarus constellation (Arches) is a tribute to the mythical character Chiron , the most kind and cutest of the Centaurs of the half-horse- shaped half-human form. Although most members of this clan are violent and dull, Chiron is quite wise, loves people and can teach others. He is a god because his mother is the daughter of the Oceanus god and his father Kronos.

Chiron used to teach Greek heroes Achilles and Jason. Famous but Chiron lives in a cave in the countryside. Unfortunately, Heracles shot the wrong name Chiron when he was trying to destroy the beasts that half the wicked devastated the mountains and he regretted doing. Chiron uses all medical skills to heal wounds but fails because of Lernean Hydra 's poisoned arrow , the head snake. As a god, Chiron is only in pain, not dead, even if he wants to die. Prometheus witnessed this tragedy and sought to help him by turning Chiron from god to person so he could leave the ground to heaven, symbolized by the constellation Sagittarius.

Capricorn - Capricorn - Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

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The Capricorn or sea ​​goat (Seagoat) is an image of the Babylonian goddess, powerful named Ea . He has the lower half of his body is fish, head and goat himself. At night, the gods live in the ocean but every day they rise up to guard the mainland.

But Greek mythology does not mention the sea goat, but Pan , a semi-god (demigod) whose upper half is the lower half of the goat. He was the son of Hermes and a forest goddess (Nymph). When Pan was born, the goddess screamed in terror and ran away while Hermes injured her deformed child, taking it to Olympus where other gods also liked him. Since then Pan became the god of shepherds and cattle, taking over the responsibility of his father. He did not stay in Olympus but liked to live in the mountains of trees. Pan himself gave King Midas the ability to touch something that turned into gold.

Aquarius - Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

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In many ancient cultures, including Babylon, Egypt and Greece, there was a god named 'God brought water ' or 'God poured water '. Water has sustained and sustained life, so the power to make water fall from heaven is among the most revered powers of the ancient man.

According to Greek mythology, Zeus is the ' Spirit of water' . In the position of lord of the gods, one of his most important tasks was to create a storm. Aquarius constellation is the symbol for 'God brings Zeus water '.

Another myth is Deucalion , the only survivor of the Great Flood and the 'Iron Age' in Greek mythology. In this age people are as cruel as beasts killing each other, regardless of their father and son. The teaching of the gods has no value to them. Disappointed, Zeus created a massive flood on the earth, killing everyone except Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha (During the last visit to the earth, Zeus saw the couple despite living in a simple hut that did not have enough food, The item still provides enough food and shelter for him so he lets them live through the flood) and helps them create new and stronger ethnically new races. Deucalion is the unique 'Water Carrier ' with the constellation Aquarius.

Pisces - Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

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This constellation is associated with Aphrodite, the beauty goddess and her son Eros, the god of love in Greek mythology.

One day, two people were walking along the river, the Typhon demon suddenly rose to the surface to destroy them. Old Typhon is the descendant of Gaia and Tartaros or of Kronos and Hera. Regardless of who parents are, Typhon is still as strong as a Titan or as an Olympia. The eyes of the sky are sky-high, Typhon has no fingers but 100 dragon heads rise from the hands. No Olympia god is strong enough to destroy Typhon. The only way is to avoid medicine with wings that turn into animals like fish to swim away. Eros and Aphrodite also turn into fish, swim into the river and take your two children to safety and bring them to safety. The two fish are the constellations of Pisces with their tails intertwined to commemorate the day they saved gods of beauty and love.