Photographer Pia Dierickx, from Antwerp (Belgium), captures a rare moment in nature about the ability of a lion to fight a river over a river that is being held by crocodiles, in

Data show that tigers are often winners, but the results of each confrontation completely depend on each individual. The Romans used to hold matches between African and Asian

The lions of South Africa decided to take down a single hippopotamus, but they faced the fierce resistance of their prey.

The zoo of the state of South Carolina in the United States has just happened a strange story. An orangutan originating from Indonesia became the father of two young black-spotted

A wild world photographer has recorded an unusual sight of the South African steppe when his camera was caught by a curious lion.

Not only are humans concerned about obesity, many zoo pets are also participating in special diets because of overweight.

The hungry lion lay in the tall, dry grass waiting for his meal to pass and accidentally spotted a zebra walking on the meadow.

The population of lion species in Kenya has declined by an average of 100 animals per year since 2002 and with this decline they will be extinct in just two more decades, warned

Photographer David Yarrow captures beautiful moments of wildlife around the world.

Mickey greeted the passengers, the dragon hugged an open-chested girl, the head of the plane turned into a bird's head ... These are some of the numerous gratifi works shown on