Levels of hemorrhoids, causes, prevention and diet

Understanding the level of hemorrhoids will help patients to choose for themselves the most appropriate method of treatment. Thereby minimizing the cost of money as well as the treatment time of patients. The following article will help people see this information clearly.

What is hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are the most common disease in the rectal disease, in our country, the number of patients with hemorrhoids is quite high, doctors in My Viet Clinic think that in Vietnam, there are about 6 people in 10 people. hemorrhoids must be at different rates. This is a disease that is caused by excessive stretching of hemorrhoids, called venous plexus in the tissue around the anus, causing the anal area to become inflamed, red, causing many effects. bad to the living as well as the psychology of the sick.

Hemorrhoids have three main types that patients often get with different characteristics:

  1. Internal hemorrhoids : Internal hemorrhoids are conditions of hemorrhoids that are formed inside the anus, if not controlled early, these hemorrhoids will lie outside when the disease is worse.
  2. External hemorrhoids : External hemorrhoids form around the anal canal and if it feels painful to touch it, pressing the hemorrhoids with your hands may only go out after a while.
  3. Mixed hemorrhoids : This is a type of hemorrhoids that binds two types of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids at the same time, these two hemorrhoids are in the anal and outer margin of the anus.

Causes of hemorrhoids

According to doctors, there are many causes of hemorrhoids such as: The regime of inadequate living, often standing or sitting for a long time, sedentary labor ., especially those working in office. In addition, the cause of hemorrhoids is caused by gastrointestinal diseases such as:

  1. Being constipated for a long time, treating the disease will not stop.
  2. Due to being pinched, putting pressure on the anal area.
  3. Genetic factors are also one of the causes of hemorrhoids.
  4. The anal region is degenerative or degenerate, this condition is common in the elderly.
  5. One of the main causes of hemorrhoids is pregnancy and childbirth, which causes the hemorrhoids to be over-stressed, which causes the hemorrhoids to become more severe.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

Picture 1 of Levels of hemorrhoids, causes, prevention and diet

Patients with hemorrhoids at first bleeding less.

Patients with hemorrhoids often see two symptoms:

  1. Bleeding : When patients have hemorrhoids at the beginning of bleeding little, we only detect when looking at toilet paper after a bowel movement or look at some small blood clots stick to the solid stool. After each bowel movement, it is necessary to push a lot due to constipation, the blood flows into droplets or into rays, eventually the masses are often outside the anus.
  2. Sa tufts of hemorrhoids : Symptoms of this disease usually occur later after a period of bleeding in the bowel, at first after each defecation, there is a small protruding mass in the anal hole, then the block itself falls back . Later, the protruding mass grew bigger and did not fall back after going to the bridge, but had to use it. Eventually the mass is often outside the anus.

In addition to the above 2 symptoms, the hemorrhoids may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as pain when defecating, itching and dampness around the anus. This symptom is caused by the hemorrhoids of the hemorrhoids that come out and discharge the perianal dermatitis.

The levels of hemorrhoids

Picture 2 of Levels of hemorrhoids, causes, prevention and diet
Levels of hemorrhoids.

The level of internal hemorrhoids

When newly formed, internal hemorrhoids develop inside the anus. A more severe internal hemorrhoids will develop hemorrhoids, which can cause pain and inflammation. The levels of internal hemorrhoids include 4 stages as follows:

  1. Formation stage: The findings are defecated in blood, the hemorrhoids have never come out.
  2. Stage 2: When going to defecation, there is an extra lump of meat in the anus, called hemorrhoids. After defecation, the hemorrhoids will recede.
  3. Stage 3: Wrap the hemorrhoids to go out more, when the defecation is completed, the patient must use the hand to press the hemorrhoids, it will be able to enter.
  4. The final stage: At this time, the hemorrhoids will often be outside the anus causing discomfort to the patient. When the hemorrhoids are outside, it is very susceptible to inflammation and necrosis.

Levels of external hemorrhoids

For external hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids are located at the edge of the anus, very easy to detect and treat early. Foreign hemorrhoids are dark red, very difficult to bleed, patients often have a painful feeling when sitting. The levels of external hemorrhoids are known as follows:

  1. Mild level : The patient usually has an anal feeling that is ragged or entangled. After a while, the hemorrhoids were swollen and twisted, causing a burning sensation and inconvenience for patients.
  2. Severe level : With this level of hemorrhoids, the hemorrhoids are large and located in the anal hole, causing inconvenience for excreting waste products (feces) from the body. In addition, the illness will be severe and cause more dangerous complications.

The levels of mixed hemorrhoids

Mixed hemorrhoids have no level to distinguish or classify. When in this category, the patient has reached a dangerous stage and is the highest level of hemorrhoids. Mixed hemorrhoids include both internal and external hemorrhoids. When the hemorrhoids stretched from the inside out. When this is the case, the patient needs to go to the hospital to see immediately to avoid complicated complications as well as the dangers of this hemorrhoids.

How to prevent and diet for people with hemorrhoids

Enhance fiber and water supplement

You need to know that constipation is the leading cause of hemorrhoids, this situation occurs mainly because you do not provide enough fiber and water for the body. That is, you eat a lot of meat and eat less or not eat green vegetables, fruits, drink too little water .

Therefore, to prevent hemorrhoids you need to avoid constipation. This means you need to reduce the amount of meat and increase your intake of vegetables.

Besides, you also need to increase water supplement - about 2 liters of water / day. You can use water, soup, fruit juice .


Increase mobilization

Picture 3 of Levels of hemorrhoids, causes, prevention and diet
Need to increase mobility, not sit or stand for a long time.

Long sitting is also a cause of hemorrhoids because this bad habit puts pressure on the anal vein and causes stagnant blood gas.

Therefore, to prevent hemorrhoids, you need to increase movement, not sit or stand for a long time. If you are doing the work such as driving, sewing, office . then try to move up and move gently after about 1 hour of work.

Practice the science of defecation

Did you know that maintaining a non-scientific bowel habit such as regular defecation, prolonged sitting when defecating, straining or straining when defecating . are the causes of hemorrhoids.

Therefore, in addition to the above methods of preventing hemorrhoids, you need to create a habit of defecation. That is, you cannot stop defecating but need to go to the bowel regularly every day (you should practice defecation on a certain time frame), do not push hard, sit long or stress when defecating .

Remember to clean the anus after every defecation. In addition, to prevent hemorrhoids, you also need to avoid anal sex.

Should use laxative food

Some good laxative vegetables such as sweet potato, spinach, jute, lettuce, fish and amaranth should be used to make regular soup very good for hemorrhoids.

  1. Banana is also a good laxative fruit, after a meal, use a banana, or eat a little watermelon.
  2. Sweet potato root also has a good laxative effect, and should be eaten with extra meals.
  3. Shoots: have vitamins, laxative effect.
  4. Honey: also has a laxative effect, people with hemorrhoids should use.

Magnesium is a substance with a laxative effect, which helps reduce constipation. Magnesium is also an essential mineral for the body. Some foods rich in magnesium: flounder, dried almonds, dried cashew nuts, soybeans, spinach, oatmeal, peanut butter, avocado, seedless raisins .

Some good foods for hemorrhoids

Types of okra vegetables, incense, pumpkin, tomato, eggplant, broccoli, lotus, corn, avocado, dragon fruit, grapefruit, apple, strawberry, kiwi, pink, sea cucumber, figs, Coriander, chilli . are also very helpful for people with hemorrhoids

Ginger, garlic, onions help break down fibri, fix lesions in tissues, internal organs and arteries. However, it should be noted that excess of this substance can cause inflammation in the veins and veins, especially in the anal area.

Curcumin (the main active ingredient in Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, inhibits tumors, cholinetic, digestive benefits, Curcumin supplements help fight inflammation and heal hemorrhoids wounds.

Food should be avoided when suffering from hemorrhoids

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Limit salt intake and abstain from hot, spicy spices .

Limit salt intake and abstain from spicy, hot, coffee, alcohol, caffeine foods.

Salt tends to retain water in the body, causing the cells and blood vessels to stretch, aggravating the hemorrhoids.

Hot, spicy spices such as chili, pepper, onions . irritate the stomach and intestinal mucosa and often create discomfort when the stool passes through the anus.

Carbonated soft drinks because of increased pressure in the intestinal tract.

Minimize bread, broken rice, cakes and chocolate because not only constipation but also an increased itching reaction.

Absolutely abstain from any food that has caused allergy before.