Office people pay attention! When you see these signs you may be suffering from hemorrhoids

Do not be subjective when you see the following signs, because they can warn about difficult to say common diseases in the office.

In many cases, hemorrhoids are often detected late and when signs appear clearly. With subjective psychology, many people also ignore the initial signs of warning this disease. The late detection will make the condition more serious, even hinder the treatment process later.

Therefore, as soon as the signs of hemorrhoids are noticed, the office workers should pay special attention and perform the earliest medical examination process.

Pruritus or anal discharge in the anus

Picture 1 of Office people pay attention!  When you see these signs you may be suffering from hemorrhoids
One of the signs that can be encountered when having hemorrhoids is itching around the anal area.

Depending on the location of each person, the symptoms may vary. One of the signs that can be encountered when having hemorrhoids is itching around the anal area. Dermatitis may also appear in this position with signs of drainage. When you see these unusual signs, pay attention to follow up and make early visits to recognize the disease in time.

Anal pain

Anal pain is the most common sign of hemorrhoids. You may feel pain when you have a bowel movement, especially those who have diarrhea or constipation. The pain may last several hours later. If the condition is severe, it may persist, causing difficulties and fatigue for the person who has it.

Defecate blood

Picture 2 of Office people pay attention!  When you see these signs you may be suffering from hemorrhoids
Blood may drip, mixed in the waste or flow into rays when the disease is advanced.

When you see this sign, you should not be subjective because they can warn hemorrhoids. Blood may drip, mixed in the waste or flow into rays when the disease is advanced. At each level of disease, defecation with blood will have different numbers and frequency. If the condition is prolonged, it can lead to blood loss and physical weakness.

Sa bun hemorrhoids

Depending on the degree of hemorrhoids, patients will have different clinical manifestations. In a mild disease phase, the level of hemorrhoids will not cause many obstacles during the life process. This is also the period when the infected person is subjective and easy to ignore this sign. For heavier levels, patients will find it difficult to defecate. Hemorrhoids can fall out of the anus when going to the toilet, moving a lot or doing heavy work. At this stage, the above signs cause many obstacles in the patients' activities.

Things to do when you see the signs above:

  1. When you see these signs, the first thing to remember is to clean and keep this sensitive area always dry.
  2. Pay special attention to abnormal manifestations that may alert the disease, not self-treatment.
  3. Do not hold back or use too much when defecating, sitting in the right position when going to the toilet.
  4. Avoid strong activities, squat . because these poses may adversely affect the disease.
  5. Visit reputable medical facilities for the earliest practice.