Sitting for a long time, being sedentary, drinking less water, staying up late are a series of habits that make many people suffer from common diseases such as obesity,

Don't think that defecation is just a sign of hemorrhoids. In fact, it can also be a sign of cancer in the intestine that many people don't expect.

Hemorrhoids are also considered by many to be 'hard to say' disease, a disease that 'affects' most people from young to old.

That's a statement by a German microbiologist when it comes to the habit of defecation of everyone, especially the residents of the West.

In many cases, hemorrhoids are often detected late and when signs appear clearly. With subjective psychology, many people also ignore the initial signs of warning this disease.

In the New Year, office people are often caught up in festivals and year-end reviews. Every meal is full of wine and beer, fish meat, but it lacks green vegetables, neglects to

Understanding the level of hemorrhoids will help patients to choose for themselves the most appropriate method of treatment.

One in four people, a people with hemorrhoids. The disease causes many miserable pain and can lead to dangerous complications.

Constipation, bleeding in pregnancy during the 8th month may be a symptom of hemorrhoids. The disease can affect pregnant?

Heavy work, excessive exercise, pregnancy or diarrhea are the causes of hemorrhoids many people do not know.