Life lived by men not women. Why?

A study in the United States said men are three times more likely to die than women! According to UN organizations, the average life expectancy of men is shorter than women aged 5 to 10 years. In addition, this difference is even higher in some countries and depending on the time.

For example, the life expectancy of men compared to women in the 70s is less than 1 year, in the 80s it was 2 years old, in the 90s it was 4 years old and in the 21st century it was 5 years old. In the United States, the life expectancy of men is 7 years younger than that of women and 10 years in Russia.

Life due to gender acts originating from evolutionary history Men do not live as long as women. This is a recognized fact throughout the globe since ancient times, at least since the 18th century.

The idea is that it is because men do not cry as easily as women and rarely go to the doctor. However, there are other causes, such as their characteristics, personalities and social pressures.

According to Daniel J. Kruger, a scientist at the Michigan Institute of Social Research and Michigan School of Public Health, the difference in life expectancy is not only true for our species but also for chimpanzees and many other species. These researchers believe that sexual behavior is the cause of male life.

Picture 1 of Life lived by men not women.  Why?

The attitude of men can determine their lifespan(Photo: Women of China)

It is the result of the sex selection process and the roles of men and women in the reproductive process. Women have more investments for their children than men and women in the next generation tend to have less. So men have to compete with each other to attract and hold on to their women.

They showed that chimpanzees - a closest relative to humans - have a disparity in the death rate occurring at about 13 years of age, when males are sexually mature, start a fierce battle. to save the children and social position. From the public tail to the attractive costumes, the male or the male always have to compete fiercely to attract the female or the female and this has to pay a high price.

Behavior instability makes men vulnerable to alcohol, smoking, drug addiction, reckless driving, and violence. These are behaviors that shorten their lifespan. In general, the cause of behavior that leads to death is becoming more and more common. Men with relatively low positions or lack of partners have many dangerous behaviors in their efforts to advance and assert themselves to women.

Eating too much: affecting life expectancy!

The two sexes at birth were different. The digestibility of men is 5 to 7% higher than that of women. That means men consume more energy than women.

In the 30s, a nutrition expert at Connell University in the United States did a test in mice, in which a group of rats were fed an insufficient amount of food according to their needs and the second group was given eat enough. The mice in the second group ate the number they wanted. Results showed that the bones of mice in the second group stopped growing on the 175th day, while the bones of the first rat group continued to develop after 500 days. The average life expectancy of the second group is only 2 and a half years while the age of the first group is 3 to 4 years.

Researchers explain that eating less can reduce damage to DNA and cells. Therefore, it may be because men eat more so they do not live as long as women.

Do not avoid the sun: loss of life!

Compared to women, men's lifestyles are less healthy than women. For example, men drink more alcohol and smoke, so they are more at risk of death.

Not only that, quite a lot of men don't protect themselves from the sun so they risk dying from skin cancer twice as much as women.

Wariness: the cause of death

Male hormones are one of the main factors that make up their aggressive character. During the wars, there were more men on the battlefield. So war reduced their life. However, in wartime, aggression was also the cause of death.

For example, the number of men dying from traffic accidents is higher than women. The reason is that male hormones have prompted men to express themselves. They like to overtake others when driving and this is the moment when most accidents happen.

Crying: not good for health!

Compared to men, women like crying much more. Men rarely cry because they think it is a sign of weakness. But this affects their health. Crying not only reduces stress and helps people relax but also releases toxins according to tears. In addition, women's menstruation helps them be more patient and more tolerant.

Men are more susceptible to cardiovascular disease

In general men have to work harder to fulfill their responsibilities to family and society so men have more pressure than women. Men have 7 to 10 times more heart disease than women.

Attitude can determine life expectancy

Finally, men's attitude towards health and life can seriously affect their lifespan. A study in the United States showed that 82% of men regularly take their cars for maintenance, but only 50% of them go for routine checkups.

Despite the fact that men do not live as long as women, they can still extend their life if they know how to adjust their behavior to eat properly, exercise regularly, give up alcohol and drugs. and keep the soul peaceful and happy.

Minh Minh