Lightning 'hate' anglers

Fishermen account for the largest percentage of the victims of lightning deaths in the US in the past few years.

Picture 1 of Lightning 'hate' anglers

The US National Weather Service (NWS) said 238 people died from lightning in the US between 2006 and 2012. Men accounted for 82% of the total victims.

The number of people killed by fishing is 26, accounting for the highest percentage (nearly 11%). The next locations belonged to camping, sailing, soccer, golfing, Livescience reported.

John Jensenius, an NWS expert, said that outdoor people like fishing and camping face a high risk of death when lightning occurs because they need time to run to safety.

NWS believes that the best way to avoid the risk of casualties by lightning is that people follow the weather report before they perform outdoor activities, and are ready to cancel all outdoor activities if they know a storm is going to happen. next.

'Lightning can stretch up to 16km and the best place to hide is cars or buildings with 4 walls and roofs. Other things - like tents and huts - will not be able to save you when lightning strikes, ' declared NWS.