Limit toxins from baked goods

Picture 1 of Limit toxins from baked goods

Barbecue dishes (Photo: gallery.bcentral)

It's great to enjoy grilled dishes but you are also afraid of the safety of food groups that are considered the culprits of many cancers. Don't worry, there is a secret for you to cup this dish every week!

PHA and HCA toxins

During baking, fat from food flows down to the fire source below (embers or heat bars in the electric oven), along with the amount of oil used to spread the food or grill to create the type. PHA (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) can cause cancer . PHA will cling to food through smoke.

In addition, when excessive heat increases, the reaction between creatine and amino acid (found in meat proteins) results in many other harmful toxins, typically HCA (heterocyclic amine).

Fatty meats like beef, chicken and fish contain the most risks. HCA is often created during the processing of high-protein protein dishes at high temperatures such as grilling, frying, boiling .

However, saying that does not necessarily mean you have to stay away from baked goods, but should be processed as well as enjoy with moderate density.

Interesting solution

By taking a few simple steps that are necessary in preparing baked goods, you can minimize the occurrence of these potentially cancerous ingredients.


In recent years, many scientists believe that sauces, in addition to enhancing the flavor of the dish, also have another important role to increase the safety of baked goods.

Professor Mark G. Knize, working at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California (USA), said that if you impregnate or marinate foods that need to be baked with sauce before you put them in the oven, it will help reduce more than 95%. risk of toxic substances HCA.

Professor Knize said a fairly thick layer of liquid with special ingredients in the sauce will cover food, reducing the amount of fat flowing, thus significantly reducing the generation of toxins. Fever becomes more and more effective.

Ideal sauce for grilling: white vinegar, vegetable oil, chopped onions, herbs, garlic, pepper and a little energy powder or cornstarch to make the consistency and soaked before 20-30 minutes .

Oven material

Picture 2 of Limit toxins from baked goods

Absolutely do not use aluminum blisters (Photo: TTO)

Material of griddle also plays a very important role.

Should choose the type of grill made of high quality glass or ceramic and stainless steel.

Absolutely do not use the type of aluminum blisters, because the reaction between acid and aluminum while baking will create toxic substances.

Some other notes:

- Should be baked at a low or moderate temperature to limit smoke.

- Regularly return, return to the grill to not only help the meat ripen but also avoid burning one of the sides.

- Limit baking time by chopping and thinning ingredients or steaming them before baking.

- Remove skin for chicken and fat of other meats before baking. The safest is to choose lean, fat-free foods.

- Limit fat flowing down to the fire source below by wrapping baked goods in foil (baking paper) or baking on a pan.

- When enjoying barbecue, remove scorched parts because these are the most toxic ingredients.

- Grill dishes should not be used more than 2 or 3 times a week.