Lotus root cure hot season

In addition to being used as food, lotus root is used as medicine to treat many diseases, especially in hot season.

Lotus root or lotus root juice can treat some diseases such as fever, thirst, blood vomiting, blood in the urine, nosebleeds, hemorrhage under the skin . These diseases often appear hot days due The body's temperature in the urinary tract is abnormal. Lotus root has diuretic effect, cure inflammation, clear urinary tract.

Lotus root also has a very good hemostatic effect. When the patient has signs of vomiting blood, bowel movements, blood in the urine . it is recommended to use crushed lotus root, add a little sugar to stop bleeding.

Picture 1 of Lotus root cure hot season
Lotus root can be used as medicine to treat many diseases that occur in hot season.(Photo: senta)

Some hot day drinks with lotus root:

Lotus root, sugarcane juice

Material : 500 grams of fresh sugar cane, 500 grams of fresh lotus root.

Method: Cane peeled, squeezed water. Lotus root peeled, cut into thin slices. Add sugarcane juice and lotus root to the blender to drink 3 times a day.

Uses : Cure urinary tract infections, blood in the urine, urinary retention, drip urine.

Grape syrup, lotus root

Ingredients: 250ml grape juice, 250ml lotus root juice.

Method: Put two of the above water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, stir evenly until the solution becomes sticky again. Use glass vials to preserve lotus root syrup. Each time drinking two tablespoons of syrup with warm water, drink twice daily.

Uses: Diuretic, treatment of urinary tract infections, urinary retention and body cooling.

Potato juice with lotus root

Ingredients: Potato 1 tuber, lotus root 100g, appropriate amount of honey, ice water 1/8 cup, clean water 50ml.

How to do it: Wash potatoes, peel them off, then cook them with lotus root, chop them into small cubes. Put the ingredients in the blender. Finish pouring into a glass of ice, add honey to the mouth.

Uses : This dish has the effect of stasis, bleeding, refreshing beauty.