Techniques for growing stone lotus in pots

Stone lotus is an easy-to-live plant, easy to grow and care for, simple stone cultivation techniques are nothing super. Please refer to the article below to gain more experience in growing lotus stones, adorn your room more youthful.

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Stone lotus is a plant belonging to the family of burns, succulent, diverse and rich in color and style. Stone lotus is very popular because it is a flower with simple and easy-to-care techniques. The idea is that stone lotus is a symbol of iron and eternity in love and friendship. A few stone lotus pots on the windowsill or in the balcony, the railing will adorn the house or the workroom with youthful and unique colors.

Picture 1 of Techniques for growing stone lotus in pots
The stone lotus plant is very suitable for decorating houses or offices, but the technique of growing flowers is very simple.(Illustration).

The light

Like most succulent plants, stone lotus requires a lot of light, usually at least 6-8 hours in the sun 1 day. Stone lotus needs light to grow, if left in the room, 2 days must be brought out to expose once to avoid defoliation.


Stone lotus is a hot, dry species. Depending on the weather conditions, only enough moisture should be irrigated to avoid root and leaf rot, not to leave water on the leaves.

Land for planting

Stone lotus pots mainly need soil with good drainage, can mix rice husk ash mixed with cow dung with a ratio of 1: 1. You can also use a mixture of ingredients: ash, sandy soil, cow dung. Or simpler can mix sand, gravel, sandy soil and manure. It is important that this soil mixture needs good drainage so as not to flood the tree.

Picture 2 of Techniques for growing stone lotus in pots
Natural conditions play an important role in the technique of planting stone lotus flowers.(Illustration).

How to propagate

To have a seedling lotus seed, it is very simple, they do not need to be picky like other plants, just take 1 leaf of the tree (choose a small piece of cake or a little old) then leave the leaves in the sand or moist soil, or places with shade and some moisture. After about 1-2 weeks from the leaf stalk will sprout up sprouting seeds. Then it is possible to bring leaves that have sprouted to grow, but flower growers must be very careful with these germs because they are easy to break, so for safety, it is recommended to leave about 1-2 months waiting for the sprouts to become plants. It will be safer at that time to plant it.

Picture 3 of Techniques for growing stone lotus in pots
Besides flower planting techniques, growers should also master how to propagate to create their own beautiful stone lotus pots.(Illustration).

Flower planting techniques

Put the prepared soil into 2/3 of the planting pots and gently place the stone lotus in the soil.

Picture 4 of Techniques for growing stone lotus in pots
The first step in the technical process of planting stone lotus.(Illustration).

Hold one hand with one hand to add soil to the pot so that the soil is full to the pot. Gently press the ground to tie the soil down to fix the tree.

Picture 5 of Techniques for growing stone lotus in pots
Flower growers should also pay attention to this step in flower growing techniques to avoid falling or ramshackle flower plants.(Illustration).

How to care

Use only tap water or regular well water to irrigate the stone lotus. Sprinkle enough water into the roots of about ¾ flower pots, do not leave water on the tops of trees if the plants are at low temperatures as this will cause leaf spoilage. Depending on the weather can be irrigated 2-4 times a day if the weather is dry, rainy days or cool weather only need to irrigate 1-2 times a week. The amount of irrigation water depends on the type of soil. Meat soils such as alluvial soil, humus soil have good water retention capacity, poor drainage, so only need to water every 3-4 days.

Picture 6 of Techniques for growing stone lotus in pots
Stone lotus is a very easy-to-live flower and does not require growers to take care of it regularly.(Illustration).

Stone lotus does not require much nutrition, but to make plants healthy and grow well, you can add nutrients to plants with slow-dissolving fertilizers, leaf fertilizer (20-20-20), and feces. dynamic monthly. In addition, to ensure that plants do not suffer from nutrient deficiencies every year, they should replace soil 1-2 times.