Magnetic resonance imaging finds prostate cancer

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can help solve prostate cancer better than aggressive treatment.

Picture 1 of Magnetic resonance imaging finds prostate cancer

An MRI image of the prostate gland, with red areas showing the presence of prostate cancer cells.(Source: Internet)

Researchers at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey (USA) said measuring MRI spectroscopy can correctly diagnose more than 90% of prostate cancer from mild to severe levels, from which to correct Determining the level of localization of chemicals helps indicate the presence of cancer in the prostate.

Dr. Anant Madabhushi said: 'In the past few months, we have seen visual signs that distinguish malignant cancer cells from lighter forms of cancer. We are now moving towards getting more specific diagnoses, not just determining whether the patient has cancer. '

In the original study, Madabhushi and colleagues used computers to analyze images and spectra to distinguish prostate tumors in 19 patients and then perform surgical removal.

Recent studies show that men with low-risk cancer still undergo aggressive treatment.

But these improved diagnostic methods can help patients and physicians to shorten a cumbersome treatment and affect health.