Male octopus species is 10,000 times smaller than female, but extremely 'aggressive'

Male octopuses are very aggressive when it comes to mating. They fight ferociously and often aim to rip off their rival's semen-producing tubes.

Male octopuses are very aggressive when it comes to mating. They fight ferociously and often aim to rip off their rival's semen-producing tubes.

Picture 1 of Male octopus species is 10,000 times smaller than female, but extremely 'aggressive'

Octopus blanket.

The blanket octopus is one of the strange and rare creatures in the world, they have a giant membrane that easily makes people think they are giant moving blankets. That is also the reason this species of octopus is called the blanket octopus.

The blanket octopus has a record difference in size between males and females. Females can weigh up to 10 kg, and males only about 0.25g. In terms of size, males are about 10 thousand times smaller than females, and in some cases even 40 thousand times smaller.

However, the male octopus is very aggressive when it comes to the right to mate. They fight ferociously and often aim to rip off their rival's semen-producing tubes. After defeating and driving away all other males, the victor gets access to the female.

This octopus has up to three hearts, and a parrot-like beak. Their saliva contains venom, although not deadly. This species has the ability to change skin color and texture easily and quickly.

However, only female octopuses have this "cloak". When feeling threatened, the octopus will throw a blanket to distract or attack enemies.

Update 18 January 2022



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