Males eat offspring to mate with new partners

Canned rattan male eat meat when they feel the first eggs are of poor quality, making it want to mate with other females to lay on.

Canned rattan male eat meat when they feel the first eggs are of poor quality, making it want to mate with other females to lay on.

The research team at Nagasaki University, Japan, discovered the reason why rattan cans develop filial cannibalism . The study published in Current Biology on Aug. 16 concluded that the striped stripes eat their eggs so that they can continue to breed and produce more eggs as soon as possible, according to Newsweek.

Picture 1 of Males eat offspring to mate with new partners

Male rattan cans have the habit of eating offspring.(Photo: New Scientist).

Cloudy canned fish can be found in coral reefs in many parts of Asia, south of Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and the Philippines. After the canned female lays eggs, the male must be together to protect the nest eggs until the eggs hatch. But if fish fish spawns less than 1,000 eggs, male male cans will sometimes eat eggs. Previously, scientists thought that male fish eat offspring because the nutritional value of eggs is greater than what they get from protecting the nest.

The new study reveals how much clouds are likely to eat eggs so they don't have to keep watch, so it can find other children to reproduce. Male fish want new eggs to be larger and healthier than previous eggs.

The reason for male fish to eat eggs instead of leaving them is that the amount of testosterone in male male cans decreases sharply when the eggs are laid in the nest. During that time, their testosterone levels are so low that they cannot be paired. After the eggs hatch and the offspring leave the nest, the amount of testosterone of the new male increases again.

Male fish usually eat eggs as quickly as possible or even spit eggs out of the nest in the hope that the empty nest will stimulate their bodies to produce testosterone."This means egg removal is urgent. Basically, males eat eggs to make room, not for nutritional value," said Yukio Matsumoto, the team leader. The team found that after eating eggs, males mate the next day.

Update 18 December 2018



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