Many living extinct species in 'The City of the Monkey God'

Explorers to the Lost City of the Monkey in Honduras were shocked when they saw many creatures that were supposedly extinct still alive and well here!

The team of scientists from the International Conservation Organization has achieved unimaginable results on an expedition to an ancient city between Honduras' Mosquitoia jungle, which once ruled a mysterious civilization "evaporated." "from the world 600 years ago.

Picture 1 of Many living extinct species in 'The City of the Monkey God'
The pale-faced bat, one of the rare animals, has disappeared in Honduras to reappear in the City of the Monkey God - (photo provided by the expedition team).

It is a crowded presence of many rare and endangered creatures. Even a species known as "extinct" many years ago has been found to remain healthy among this ruined city, such as the Nicaragua tiger beetle. Two extremely rare species are thought to have disappeared from Honduras for many years, such as pale-faced bats and coral-like snakes.

Picture 2 of Many living extinct species in 'The City of the Monkey God'
The beetle is believed to have become extinct "soulful" in the ancient city - (photo: Trond Larsen).

Picture 3 of Many living extinct species in 'The City of the Monkey God'
Green snake with long eyelashes - (photo: Trond Larsen).

A total of 246 butterflies and moths, 30 species of bats and 57 species of amphibians - reptiles in the mysterious community that dominate the ancient city that people have spent hundreds of years searching for and are still arduous to This approach.

This legendary area is the "White City" or "The Lost City of the Monkey God" , which is believed to be the inspiration for many literary and film works, including the Green Forest Boy or King Kong.

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Apparently depicting the City of the Monkey God hundreds of years ago - (photo: INDEPENDENT).

According to the little evidence that archaeologists have collected, this place once took place the catastrophic sacrifices of human and animal sacrifices near the Monkey God - the supreme deity of pre-Columbian people. live here. The name White City comes from the majestic white stone architecture that dominates the place.

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A picture of the old city - (photo: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC).

The city was first found in 1940 but still made it difficult for the expedition to lie deep in the rainforest. Currently, forests that surround the White City are still very pristine. The entire area of ​​the Columbia Reserve.

Trond Larsen, director of the International Conservation Organization's Growth Assessment Program, said the biggest threat to the mysterious city and its incredible creatures is illegal deforestation and work. grazing.

Picture 6 of Many living extinct species in 'The City of the Monkey God'
The forest where the city mysteriously disappeared for hundreds of years - (photo: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC).

Meanwhile, Dr. John Polisar, a member of the expedition, identified the forest and fauna here intact so the whole area has a particularly high conservation value. He called on the government to take stronger actions to preserve these wonders.

  1. Mystery about the legendary city of God Monkey
  2. New discovery about "The White City is full of gold" in Central America