Mars appears in the image of the Earth at a distance

Mars was suddenly present in a photo of Earth from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Picture 1 of Mars appears in the image of the Earth at a distance
Mars was suddenly present in the picture of Earth

In a photo taken by NASA spacecraft Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter on May 24, the Earth appears clearly and loudly as usual.

However, in this photo, people suddenly discovered a tiny dot in the distance. That is Mars.

According to scientists, Mars 'disrupts' the Earth at 300 times the distance from the spacecraft to Earth. The distance from the spacecraft to Earth in the picture is 376,687km. Meanwhile, Mars is 112.5 million kilometers from the ship.

The camera equipped on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is actually two narrow-angle cameras (NACS). They cannot adjust the angle of shooting, but only in the same direction. To take photos, two cameras must depend on the movement of the spacecraft.

In order to make Mars look clearer and more noticeable than the large size of the Earth in the photo, contrasting techniques have been used.