Mars's largest moon 'crushed' a city

This photo belongs to a project that shows the ratio of Mars to its satellites.

Phobos is Mars's largest moon. The name Phobos means "fear" . The meaning of the name Phobos seems appropriate when you see the image of it casting a shadow on the city of Grenoble, France and looking like it is about to "crush" this city.

This is one of the smallest moons orbiting 8 planets, but it is still large enough to destroy all life on Earth once it collides. Luckily, that is almost impossible.

Picture 1 of Mars's largest moon 'crushed' a city
Phobos 'shed' on the city of Grenoble, France

This image is part of a project that shows the ratio of Mars to satellites and shows the massive size of the planet in the solar system when it is next to the city on Earth. This is the work of graphic artist Ludovic Celle.

Picture 2 of Mars's largest moon 'crushed' a city
This is the work of graphic artist Ludovic Celle

He used computer techniques to recreate Phobos images and compared it to the size of his hometown - Grenoble. Although Phobos is quite close to Earth, it is still a mystery to astronomers. Craters on Phobos are the result of a series of meteorite crashes that have occurred.