50 interesting facts about the moon

The moon is known as Earth's largest natural satellite. Images of the Moon appear in most areas of life, not only in real life but also in cultural traditions or fantasy stories. Currently, people are gradually studying and conquering this mysterious satellite. Interesting facts will gradually be revealed.

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The infographic below presents special information not everyone knows about the Moon.

Picture 1 of 50 interesting facts about the moon
Picture 2 of 50 interesting facts about the moon
Picture 3 of 50 interesting facts about the moon
Picture 4 of 50 interesting facts about the moon
Picture 5 of 50 interesting facts about the moon
Picture 6 of 50 interesting facts about the moon
Picture 7 of 50 interesting facts about the moon
Picture 8 of 50 interesting facts about the moon
Picture 9 of 50 interesting facts about the moon
Picture 10 of 50 interesting facts about the moon