Scientists from the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) have just fired two laser beams accurately into the Moon Orbital Reconnaissance Spacecraft.

Measure the distance of Earth and Moon by laser
Through these two laser beams, scientists can not only measure the distance between the Earth and the Moon, but also monitor the process around the Moon of the Orbital Reconnaissance Spacecraft. Moon.
When firing a laser beam, the Moon Orbital Reconnaissance spacecraft is at a distance of 250,000 miles from Earth, and the speed around the Moon's moon is up to 3,600 miles per hour.
According to scientists only grasping the exact location of the Lunar Orbiter reconnaissance can guarantee accurate images of the Moon. Moreover, when the Moon distance measurements are obtained, the scientists will accurately calculate the Moon's orbit.
Currently, the Moon Orbital Reconnaissance Spacecraft has been circling the Moon for a year and has completed its initial exploration mission.
The Moon Orbital Reconnaissance spacecraft will pave the way for NASA's future Moon exploration work, and help scientists learn more about the Moon and its history.