Mechanism of fire rainbow formation

Rainbows often appear when the weather is warm, the sun rises and there are clouds made of ice crystals in the sky.

Picture 1 of Mechanism of fire rainbow formation
This phenomenon often occurs in warm weather months.

The strange phenomenon in the lower video is called a fire rainbow, but it's not actually fire or rainbow. Its official name is the circumhorizontal arc , which occurs when the Sun rises at an angle of more than 58 degrees and in the sky there is a cloudy cloud, the cloud is shaped like thin white streaks.

Ti clouds are made of ice crystals at high altitudes, where temperatures are low. Light refracts through crystals, causing a rainbow-like phenomenon.

Normal rainbows form at low altitudes, when sunlight shines through small droplets.

Fire rainbows are very rare, often appearing in warm weather months.

  1. Why has a rainbow?
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