Medicine taste from peach

When you have weak lungs, asthma, sweating, you can use fresh ripe peach seeds, puree, add 50 grams of rice, cooked into porridge or rice, eat with diameter. Freshly eaten 2-3 times a day can cure edema.

Picture 1 of Medicine taste from peach Dao is also known as the fruit of peach, peach, white peach . is the fruit of the peach tree. Fruit belongs to the family of roses. Temperate, sweet, slightly acidic. Ingredients mainly include proteins, fats, glucose, glucosa, saccharose sugar. The peach fruit is rated well to be big and sweet.

Effects: Renewal fluids, laxative, blood pressure, lowering blood pressure, cure dyspnea, coughing up sputum, scraping, stasis. Mainly used to treat constipation, irregular menstruation, cough, dry mouth, dry tongue, high blood pressure .

Usage: Eat fresh or processed into dry peach, soaked with honey to use.

Abstinence: Eating more is hot, people with heat problems should not eat much.


1. Uneven menstrual period, coughing due to labor force: Freshly dipped in boiling water, then peeled, removed seeds, pureed, added a little honey (red sugar), added boiling water to eat.

2. Erectile dysfunction, constipation, dry mouth, dry tongue, high blood pressure: Rinse thoroughly, eat raw food, or use dry peach to sharpen drinking water.

3. Weak lungs, shortness of breath, asthma, sweating and stealing: A fresh fruit is cooked. Wash, remove seeds, puree, add 50 grams of plain rice, cook into porridge or into rice, eat with diameter. Everyday use in the morning and evening.

4. Edema: Freshly eat 2-3 times a day, 1-2 times each time.