Melting ice can harm walruses

Federal experts in Alaska on marine mammals in the study of the effects of global warming on walrus, polar bears and seals have warned that what they can do to protect they are limited. They can stop hunters, limit shipping and offshore oil, but that's not enough when the habitats of these animals disappear every year when summer comes.

Joel Garlich Miller, a walrus researcher from the US Fish and Wildlife Service said: 'We can't control the melting ice. We also can't create that tape. '

He said that as many as 3,000 to 4,000 walruses die every year when the hippocampus moves to the mainland of Chukchi Sea - Russia is adjacent to Alaska north of Bering Cape . Instead of spilling into the ice in the summer, thousands of walruses are stuck in the mainland for about 3 months with an unprecedented number.

Anatoly Kochney, who carried out a study of walrus for Russia's Pacific academy of Fisheries and Oceanography, said the loss of 3,000 - 4,000 individuals of predominantly animal species this year is indeed a catastrophic thing.

According to biologist Tony Fischbach, of the US Geological Survey, if this trend continues, the hippocampus will have to live on the coast every summer. They will compete for food with other species instead of searching in the waters off the coast of many shrimp and fish. This is not a sudden recurrence. According to a document from the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado, the Arctic sea ice has retreated to a record level since tracking it via satellite in 1979.

Mark Serreze, an experienced scientific researcher, said: 'We are going on the spiral to the final limit. It is understandable to predict that the ice sea will disappear by 2030. '

Picture 1 of Melting ice can harm walruses
A walrus is resting (Photo: AP)

The US Fish and Wildlife Service will determine whether polar bears should be included in the list of endangered species due to the effects of global warming causing ice melt. Polar bears will not be able to hunt and breed if they live on land, where grizzly bears are hegemony.

The main food of polar white bears is paired seals living in the sea. These seals will dig a hole through the nail and make a small drive on the ice to greet your child. The warm air caused the ice nest to melt earlier than usual when the spring came. The young have no thick coat to protect, so it is easy to be cold and easily become bait for fox, bear, crow and even gull.

And the Pacific walrus is facing three major dangers : their habitats will change, they must be on land for a long time, weak ones will be in danger in an environment. crowded like that.

The walrus often have to dive deep into the ocean to search for mussels, sea slugs, crabs, shrimp and sea worms. It is said that the area of ​​ice sea is reduced and the warm sea is increased, which is a good development condition of plankton which is the favorite of the inhabitants of the water bottom.

Unlike seals, walruses swim according to a defined route. Children and youngsters use ice as a mobile skateboard facing out to feed. First they came to the Bering Sea north, then Chuckchi Sea. If they get stuck on the shore for up to 3 months every summer, they won't be able to go offshore. And if possible, don't know how much energy they have to go to the feeding area.

A mature walrus eats 200 pounds of boys every day. If the hippos are 30 miles away, they will have a good food crop.

Vera Alexander, one of the three members of the US Marine Mammal Committee, said: 'The hippopotamus will not be able to adapt to the new environment like those that live on land.'