Men are less repentant when making mistakes

From forgetting to send birthday cards to adultery, men rarely feel remorse. That's why husbands often don't admit they have been wrong, even if all evidence is against them.

The problem is, according to the study authors, not that women feel too guilty - but because men are too indifferent to that.

Researchers have suggested that about 300 men and women aged 15 to 50 classify all situations during the day, making them feel remorseful and regretful.

The results show that women are much more worried about hurting others. Men, on the other hand, only think about themselves, and the simplest situation of doing them often involves them eating or drinking too much, rather than directly affecting others.

Picture 1 of Men are less repentant when making mistakes

Participants are also placed in a range of awkward situations - such as not arranging time to visit relatives who are ill at the hospital, or irritating to you for unknown reasons - and are asked how they feel in each situation. That case. In all cases, women often reflect more.

In general, women have significantly higher remorse, and tend to get irritated with someone if they feel these people have hurt others.

"It is necessary to have educational activities to reduce the tendency of over-repentance among women, and reinforce the sensitivity of people to men , " said Itziar Etxebarria, a researcher from the University of the Basque Country. know on DailyMail.

However, excessive grace is not a good thing. Previous studies have shown that people with anxiety often have a weaker immune system. "We should actively enjoy the interesting things of life, especially from simple things, for example, we should spend more time smelling flowers," the authors concluded.