Men can get pregnant within two years

A group of Swedish scientists have discovered the secret of uterine transplantation and have successfully experimented on animals.

Picture 1 of Men can get pregnant within two years Uterine transplantation will bring joy to many infertile women. (Source: Internet) According to Professor Mats Brannstrom, Dean of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden, scientists in the country will conduct the world's first uterine transplant for for women who cannot be pregnant within 2 years.

If this surgery is successful, it means that men can also be implanted with the uterus by women, and carry out a celestial role in pregnancy and childbirth.

The donor uterus cannot tolerate the pressure of muscle contractions during childbirth in a natural fashion, so the babies who are pregnant with the uterus will have to be born by caesarean section.

At the same time, the implant is subjected to a long-term effect of the use of anti-rejection medication, so after having a baby, a woman who has a uterine transplant will have to undergo surgery to remove the uterus.