Russian goats will give us human milk. It is a group of Russian goats being raised and bred on a farm in the village of Golsovo in the Sakhovsky region.

On April 22, Korean scientists announced that they cloned a pig to get transgenic transplanted organs for humans.

Researchers found many genes that can last up to four days after the body dies.

A new breakthrough in research to treat HIV / AIDS patients has just happened, making the world medical community stir.

The Swedish University of Gothenburg on September 18 said the two women in the country had received a new uterus over the weekend, in the world's first mother to daughter

Uterine implantation allows pregnant women to become pregnant soon to be applied in the world, as early as next year.

Perform transplant surgery with heart and bone marrow to help patients lower the dose of anti-rejection drugs.

Doctors in the city of Pisa, Italy have successfully performed the first ever pancreas transplant surgery in the world.

Swedish scientists have discovered the secret of uterine transplantation, opening up the possibility of the theory that men can become pregnant and have children.

Australian scientists said that soon the pig's lungs could be transplanted into the human body, solving the current shortage of human organs.