Microsoft rejected the new security bug in PowerPoint

Microsoft has just poured a cold water on top of Trend Micro security firm by confirming that the security flaw discovered by PowerPoint in PowerPoint is an error that has been fixed.

On August 19, Trend Micro announced that the company had discovered a malicious '.ppt' file that was used to exploit a 'ze-ro day' security bug in the Microsoft PowerPoint application.

Trend Micro said the company had received a version of the PowerPoint file mentioned on August 17 - just one day after Microsoft fixed a security bug of the application.

Picture 1 of Microsoft rejected the new security bug in PowerPoint

Stephen Toulouse - MSRC Director of Microsoft

However, Stephen Toulouse - MSRC (Microsoft Security Response Center) director of Microsoft - confirmed that a security error discovered by Trend Micro is actually a security bug that has been fixed by the company in security updates.

' Our initial investigations showed that it was not a complete zero-day error, ' Toulouse said in an email sent to eWeek. ' Microsoft is not aware of Trend Micro's security warnings. As a rule, we often receive notifications from security industry partners before a new security error is made public . '

In this case, the MSRC has received a malicious file template from Trend Micro and conducted the test. However, after receiving the file, Toulouse immediately confirmed that it was not a new security error in PowerPoint.

Information from Trend Micro indicates the malicious PowerPoint file containing TROJ_MDROPPER.BH trojan attacks a bug in Microsoft's presentation application. Once infected on this trojan system will drop another malware called TROJ_SMALL.CMZ - this malware will wait until the user connects to the Internet and moves to another address to download. Add other malware.

Hoang Dung