Millions of grasshoppers are as big as sparrows attacking Russia

The Russian Ministry of Agriculture must declare a state of emergency when millions of large grasshoppers such as small sparrows attack southern Russia and devastate farmers' crops.

The grasshopper is as big as a devastating sparrow in Russia

An area of ​​at least 800,000 hectares has been attacked by millions of locusts, estimated to be nearly 8 cm each. They devastated corn fields and many other crops, CNN reported yesterday.

"They have wingspan of nearly 12 cm, like small sparrows," said Tatiana Drishcheva, from the Russian Agricultural Center, a government organization.

According to local officials, this is the first time after 30 years the area has been attacked by grasshoppers. 10% of crops have been damaged due to the flock of hungry insects , threatening the livelihoods of local farmers.

" Look, the cornfield is gone. The grasshoppers eat it all, from the leaves to the corn, " said Pyotr Stepanchenke farmer when he saw the corn in the Stavropol region dissolve after the "storm." Grasshoppers sweep through.

Russia's national television channel said that locust translation comes from climate change and other consequences of climate change such as flooding and increasing average heat.

Before the raging locust, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture issued a state of emergency, but the move did not seem to be effective in stopping the losses they caused. Other efforts underway by officials to protect the crop also have enhanced field spraying aircraft. However, hot summer weather significantly reduces drug effectiveness.

Besides, officials also said the locusts are flying very fast throughout southern Russia, making spraying teams unable to keep up. Therefore more and more crops are destroyed.

"In Kalmijya, Astrakhan, Volgagrag and Dagestan, grasshoppers have eaten their crops. They are moving to where there are new food sources," Drishcheva said.