Mindful activities help older people stay alert

Intellectual activities such as reading or writing can help protect the structure of the brain in the elderly people's brains.

Picture 1 of Mindful activities help older people stay alert

This is a new study published at the annual meeting of the North American Radiology Association in the United States.

In this study, scientists used tomography for 152 elderly people with an average age of 81, who had never had a history of dementia or memory loss.

In the past year, researchers have asked participants to increase the frequency of intellectual activities, including reading newspapers, writing letters, playing cards or other games that use the brain .

Research has shown positive results when scientists find that mental activity can help the brain in older people be healthier.

According to Professor Konstantinos Arfanakis at the Medical Center of Rush University, Chicago - USA, intellectual activities such as reading newspapers, writing letters, playing cards or other games . though simple, but they contribute to the elderly still being lucid.