Recent research by US scientists shows that smiling can help improve short-term memory in the elderly, while having a positive impact on brain activity.
All your thoughts and actions can be controlled by someone. In other words, your brain can be hacked and you can be ... hijacked.
You have heard this many times, by your parents, teachers or a Discovery fan:
A person's brain can 'see' things even when he or she does not see them, and this finding is completely contrary to long-accepted hypotheses about how the brain processes visual
According to a new study published in the American Journal of Science on April 11, brain activity can be used to predict whether someone will buy the music product he hears. first
To do this, scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital used the most modern and powerful brain layer scanner to scan every corner of the brain for 1,200 participants in 10-45
A research team from the University of California (USA) discovered that the human brain is zoned to handle all kinds of information that the subject receives.
This is a new study published at the annual meeting of the North American Radiology Association in the United States.
Scientists have combined and translated two types of brain waves into music, bringing a unique and strange look to our brain's activity.
The anxious girls 'brains must be more active than boys' brains when dealing with the same problem. This explains why anxious girls often have difficulty learning, according to