People who stay up late love a night?

People who like staying up late are more likely to be adventurous and prefer one night, according to a new study.

Researchers found that "night owls" - those who prefer to stay up late at night and wake up late in the morning - tend to be single and often change short-term emotional relationships. On average, the "night owls" who have twice as many sex partners as their peers belong to the "early bird" group - those who go to bed early to get up early.

In the study, scientists examined the amount of hormone cortisol and testosterone in saliva of volunteers. This is done before and after the study subjects participate in an examination of their level of risk with money. Volunteers also informed the research team about the type of sleep as well as whether they would like to venture or not.

Picture 1 of People who stay up late love a night?
Men who like to stay up late, wishing to have more partners than twice as many as their peers sleep early, get up early.(Artwork: Corbis)

Results showed that men generally had higher levels of cortisol and testosterone than women. However, the women in the "night owl" group had the same amount of cortisol as men in both groups. Subjects of the "night owl" group, both male and female, generally had higher cortisol levels than usual and were more likely to take risky behaviors.

Professor Dario Maestripieri of the University of Chicago (USA) said that high levels of cortisol may be one of the biological mechanisms that help explain the risk of adventure in the "night owl" group. He explains, some people have a high level of this hormone, not related to stress - a condition that increases cortisol in a short time. These people have high metabolism, abundant energy levels and irritability.

High levels of cortisol may also be associated with higher cognitive function. According to Maestripieri, some studies have shown that successful people possess relatively high levels of cortisol.

Mr. Maestripieri said that the tendency to become "night owl" or "early bird" in humans depends partly on biological and genetic characteristics, but can also be influenced by environmental factors such as shifting. night or take care of children. The relationship between the "night owl" group and the adventurous affair is thought to stem from strategies for finding partners during human evolution.