Miracle method of reading books without opening

Scientists have devised a way to read the contents of ancient books without having to separate the pages and damage them. In other words, they can read the contents of a book without opening it.

This method uses terahertz radiation technology . This is a type of microwave and infrared wavelength light that is researched and practiced by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Research (MIT). Terahertz has many advantages over other surface contact waves such as X-rays or ultrasound.

Scientists scanned a 9-page book using terahertz radiation . When observing and analyzing the reflected light waves, scientists can read the letters inside.

These ultra-short radiation can accurately calculate depth, so that researchers can calculate the distance from the radiation source to each page separated by air by about 20 micrometers in the book.

Picture 1 of Miracle method of reading books without opening
Such precious old books will be the main service of terahertz technology.(Image source: ASTRID KOPP / FLICKR).

Scientists at MIT will develop an algorithm to analyze the results obtained when ink paper reflects terahertz radiation through the camera to produce real-time images.

Because the original print image was distorted very distorted, the Georgia Institute of Technology will continue to treat it with other algorithms to distinguish each letter.

Researcher at MIT Institute - Barmak Heshmat said: "Its letter recognition is amazing. Many websites now use capcha code to make sure you're not a robot, but this algorithm. can be easily overcome, causing concern that it can be used for bad purposes ".

This technology is still in its infancy. Researchers at MIT claim that it can read through letters decades ago, but still cannot read a thousand-page novel like "War and Peace."

Picture 2 of Miracle method of reading books without opening
This technology is still in its infancy.

Researchers can get the content of each sheet of paper in a paper file, and see that with this method it is possible to read the text to the 9th page. After that page, the signal becomes more noisy and difficult to read. information.

With the radiation sensor is getting better and better, the ability to identify will become better and better, researchers believe that one day, you can read the whole book without opening it. it out.

This is the motivation for researchers to implement this project. Berkeley University's electrical and computer science professor, Laura Waller, said: "This work is one of the first projects to use new tools, allowing us to read things. ever seen with ordinary optical technology ".