Mirror 'god' enlightens people to see organs

Researchers have released a digital "god" mirror that allows users to see inside their bodies with the entire bones, muscles and organs.

>>>Video: "God" mirror enlightens people to see organs

The "god" mirror is essentially a 3D arrangement system, operated using the emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance (MRI) and X-ray projection technologies to obtain detailed images. Human anatomy with high resolution. The whole process takes about 3 ưỡi hours.

The projection information is processed so that if someone is standing in front of the mirror, they can see inside their body because the results of scanning images and X-rays are projected on the screen in real time. Even people who don't go through a scan can see the anatomy of a similar person.

Picture 1 of Mirror 'god' enlightens people to see organs

The "god" mirror also knows that men are male or female thanks to a special gender identification algorithm.

The inventors added that the 1.65m high screen of mirrori uses a Microsoft Kinect motion capture camera to track the movement of a person standing in front of the screen, focusing on the movement of 24 joints. The X-ray, PET and MRI units will reveal the structure of the bones, muscles, brain activity and function of the organs.

The "god" mirror is expected to be exhibited at an upcoming conference on human interaction with computers in Toronto, Canada. Xavier Maître, a medical imaging technology researcher at Paris-Sud University (France), who came up with the idea of ​​"god" mirrors, observed the reactions of 30 different people standing alone in front of the device. new in about 3 minutes.

Experiences are shown images of other people of the same sex to save time and for testing to have a greater impact. The team found that one-third of them had a natural reaction to try to cover up their exposed body and feel uncomfortable.

Mr. Maître explained, everyone's reaction to the mirror is similar to that of a child when it is unclear whether the reflection is really an image of themselves. In addition, the images inside the body often make people feel embarrassed and uncomfortable because of prejudice "completely naked".

Mr. Maître hoped to make the mirror experience more "real" , by shaking the heart on the screen and moving his lungs. Although the "god" mirror is currently an art project, this technology is expected to be applicable to doctors to help patients be ready for future surgery.