Unique mirrors smile only 'show up' when people laugh

Being considered as one of the interesting inventions in 2017, the "smiling mirror" is a meaningful gift for cancer patients.

The feature of this mirror is to reflect the image only when the mirror is smiling.

Berk Ilhan, the author of the mirror, found the smile to be very healthy : helping us feel more comfortable, while increasing the body's immune function and maybe even increasing life expectancy.

In particular, smiles mean many times to patients who are fighting the cancer of evil monsters.

The smiley face has a milky color, is attached with a camera and uses face recognition technology to determine the smile of the person who is looking at it.

Picture 1 of Unique mirrors smile only 'show up' when people laugh
Smile.You will look beautiful in the mirror - (Photo: Berk Ilhan).

Berk Ilhan spent two years developing ideas and designing this product as a graduate student at the School of Visual Arts in New York, USA.

After many visits to Turkey's oncology hospitals to talk to patients and oncologists, Ilhan thought he had to do something to help the patients live better.

One patient confided in Ilhan that in the first time she knew she had cancer, she did not have the courage to look in the mirror. It also means that she cannot face the fact that she is suffering from a dangerous disease.

Therefore, the Ilhan mirror helped patients not only "face" the disease literally but also make them more optimistic about life.

In particular, has become a habit, you can always smile when looking at ordinary mirrors.

According to CNN, Ilhan is currently producing a limited number of smiling mirrors at quite expensive prices, currently about 2,000-3,000 US dollars each. However, Ilhan is calling for support to be able to produce in bulk to lower the price to less than US $ 500 each.

Ilhan's goal is to be able to give a smile to hospitals around the world, and then sell it to everyone.

"We can all buy it. In particular, if you use a mirror as a gift, that means you're giving people the smiles , " Ilhan said.