Mistaking plastic bottles for food, stupid cobra almost killed himself

Just because he mistook a plastic bottle for food, the cobra almost lost his life when he swallowed it.

Just because he mistook a plastic bottle for food, the cobra almost lost his life when he swallowed it.

Parveen Kaswan, an officer of the Forest Service, shared a clip of a cobra writhing on the ground with a swollen belly that scared viewers.

Picture 1 of Mistaking plastic bottles for food, stupid cobra almost killed himself

The snake writhed, in pain from accidentally digging its head into the bottle.

A man then poked the snake's body with a long stick to induce it to vomit the plastic bottle in its stomach.

According to Kaswan, the clip shows the dangers of plastic pollution to wildlife. This person added that the cobra survived because of its ability to vomit large objects. However, other animals do not. They will die in pain.

The Indian cobra has the scientific name Naja naja. This snake is distributed mainly in the Indian subcontinent and belongs to the group of "four great" poisonous snakes.

They usually eat rodents, toads, frogs, birds and other snakes. The rat diet leads them to human habitation areas including farms or suburbs. The venom of the king cobra contains neurotoxins and heart-damaging poisons.

Update 27 January 2022



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